Возможность админа, просмотр аккаунта и наказание пользователя по ip, e-mail address /Ability to admin, view your account and punish the user by ip, e-mail address
Сделать функцию для администратора (создателя сервера дискорда), что бы был полный информационный доступ (или частичный) к любому аккаунту пользователей (просмотр ip, e-mail address) и возможность наказания по ip , e-mail address.
To make a function for the administrator (Creator of the discord server) to have full information access (or partial) to any user account (view ip, e-mail address) and the possibility of punishment by ip , e-mail address.
discord takes security very seriously, what you say is a crazy idea that could put at risk many users, currently the bans are by ip. 1 -
big privacy issue 0 -
good idea
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