Remove Unnecessary Badges
Hello everyone, I am making this post to address a fix to a problem that I have noticed. The problem is that people are getting desperate to get badges on their profile. I have had more than one person DM me asking to buy my account because I have the early supporter badge. People are so greedy and want all of the badges because it differentiates them from other people. The problem is how they go about this. I have seen websites dedicated to selling rare Discord accounts and I feel that this lowers the rarity of the badge to a certain point where they are not worth having because people get them without earning them. I have seen people claiming to be selling badge-holding accounts online. Because of this, badges lose value and people beg for new badges to be added. There have been so many posts on here about Discord adding a free badge.
I am proposing to remove all unnecessary badges from Discord. This means the hypesquad houses, Nitro boost, early supporter and HSE. This leaves only four badges: Employee, Nitro, partner and bug hunter. The reason for this is as follows:
• Employees need to have a way to show that they are an employee and not a user pretending that they are an employee.
• Nitro subscribers get a badge as one of the perks that they pay for
• Partners get a badge to show that they are, in fact, partnered with Discord. Like with the employee badge, it is a way to prove someone is who they say they are and isn't someone impersonating them.
• Bug hunters are essential keeping Discord running bug-free. Without then, Discord would just be a buggy mess and the badge is a way to thank them for how much they help make Discord a better place.
I understand that this will be a very unpopular post, but this is the best way to restore the eliteness of the badges. They are meant to be earned / needed and not just a little icon for people to put on their profile.
I don't know why people are about to sell their accounts, while they have Early Supporter Badge, That badge can shows that you are an old member/user of discord so.
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I don't get why this is downvoted. Badges outside Nitro, BH, Employe And partner have 0 use and only cause people to want and try buying accounts with useless svg files on. All badges outside 4 specified are purely decorative, no one would feel lack of them outside people addicted to getting it
Personally i would also remove BH badge, it only purpose is to reward people that help discord tackle bugs and act like server invite. Imo it's not needed at all but it at least has some useful purpose unlike i.e HS Homes or booster badge2 -
I don't know why this is being downvoted, either. Users should have the option to display their own badges. They paid for them, after all.
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I don't see why someone would buy an account with a Hypesquad House badge on it, as they can just go to settings and get one themselves..
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It could be convienient to be able to hide your badges from nonfriends etc.
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