Have an option to make status activities override the custom status
Don't get me wrong - I like the addition of the custom status, and I know people can still click on your profile to see what you're doing.
Personally though, I'd rather have my status actually say "Listening to...." and "Playing..." when I'm doing those activities, even with a custom status. I know there's a choice to clear it, but what if I always want that status there? (And I wouldn't have to do it in a way where I'd need to re-write it in every time)
Maybe it could be possible to have the choice of what you'd like to be overridden, for those people who prefer the above. Something that would be minor and hopefully not too hard to implement.
This. I totally understand why it overrides them by default, because a user explicitly sets it. But I would also like an option to let the status activities to override the custom status.
This way it should automatically "resume" the custom status after the other activity has ended - so we don't have to set the status again ourselves.
18 -
I'm with you on this cark. Maybe I'm lazy, but I feel it would be intuitive if the game/activity overwrote your custom status.
7 -
Having a priority list for which activity overrides other activities display for everyone through your Discord client would actually be perfect; having a menu with sliding options just like server organization would be top notch. 👌🏻
7 -
This needs to be implemented. Discord automatically indicating to friends what it is your doing was a great way for them to make calls on what they want to do. I know that I am not alone in looking at discord status's as a way of judging what I want to do example: log in and see 3 out of 5 friends are playing x game and 2 are playing x. Awesome I now have two games to choose from which have guaranteed interest. Likewise if no one is playing anything I would like to see their custom 'flair' of what they put as a custom status. And as someone who has set a custom status I would much prefer the status to auto update to something if I start doing something letting others know what I am doing. This all is and should remain opt-outable.
5 -
i agree with this, i'd like to be able to pick what takes precedence over having a custom status. if not, i think it'd be fine if custom statuses were shown when there's no other activity going on.
4 -
I want this, too. Custom Status is a great feature, but I'd love it way more if I could tell Spotify to take precedence!
4 -
Definitely agree! Especially as a streamer this would be super nice! To have a nice welcome message or saying, but also not remove your live streaming status or just game you are playing during a collab and such.
4 -
That's true, haha! That's just my pickiness kicking in, sorry! :'))
2 -
This is why "an option" is being asked for, since not everyone thinks it's good this way.
2 -
Yes! This should've been an option from lunch.
2 -
So one of my friends got this custom status on forever, and I can never see when he's in a game unless I check on his profile, or my phone. It would be nice if you get set friends game status to overwrite their custom status while they are playing a game :c
1 -
and how is it placed? D:
0 -
Discord plz.
0 -
Please add this discord
0 -
Don't you think it's good that way? In my opinion, I find it feasible to leave it that way without any changes. I understand your side, but we knew it, it looks so much better the way it is. haha :DD
-3 -
Just disable it if you want to show listening/playing status lol
-15 -
Just clear it and add it after? If you rather it to say playing/listening then what difference does it make lol
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