Add as a Profile Connection
Please remember that needs to reach out to Discord in order to implement this connection.
If you are interested in this connection, feel free to upvote it!
Why would they need to reach out to discord? I think the largest problem here would be rate-limiting, they've got a public API and I think it would actually be fairly simple to add a "Currently playing" status akin to Spotify's integration via
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Note that there already is an inofficial Discord server related to the subreddit with more than 1.9k members and several hundred users online. See this Reddit thread for more infos, also my reply in a related thread here with a link to .fmbot which can display your currently scrobbling song besides other statistical data in any channel if the server admin or a mod installs it.
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I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be an issue with rate limiting in providing a now playing display.
I'm a moderator at and I've discussed Discord at length with staff. They're very interested in the platform and one of the main staff experimented with a "now playing" rich presence last year, so I'm sure they'd be very happy to discuss integrations with Discord if Discord happened to be interested. I think has the stigma of an "old" platform to some, but it's actually experiencing a bit of a boom right now. is very popular on Discord: Not just on large music-related servers (like the aforementioned Discord, plus partner servers, such as r/Music and Popheads), but across smaller servers and non-music specific servers as well. Even just an integration to display your profile link would be a cool addition.
There's a number of bots servers can use to provide a degree of integration. The largest of these is .fmbot, while FMcord is another option if a server is big enough to qualify. The Discord has probably the best bot of all, the "Who Knows?" bot, which is exclusive to the server but provides lots of integrations and statistics, plus a couple of games.
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>Why would they need to reach out to discord? I think the largest problem here would be rate-limiting, they've got a public API and I think it would actually be fairly simple to add a "Currently playing" status akin to Spotify's integration via
The rich presence api does not allow uploading images dynamically. You have to go in and upload images to developer dashboard, then you can use it in the rich presence. I'm also pretty sure theres a limit on the amount of images allowed, like 150 or so. In any case, a rich presence based purely on the standard API would be unable to show album covers, which is a pretty big L.
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> The rich presence api does not allow uploading images dynamically
They allow something like that for Discord though, the same could be allowed for Last.FM-1 -
> They allow something like that for Discord though, the same could be allowed for Last.FM
Which brings us back to expressing interest in a special integration between discord and
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> Which brings us back to expressing interest in a special integration between discord and
Opps, I meant Spotify, not Discord xD But much agreed, I really wish they made the exception too-1 -
The Discord now has over 4,000 members (from just 1.9k seven months ago!) and is partnered, while I believe bot use is in the millions across Discord. Someone told me this is the most upvoted profile connection request, so hopefully it'll be added at some point (some sort of rich presence to show your now playing is wishful thinking, but I'd love to see that happen too!)
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Reviving this suggestion because I think it'd be super cool to have this integration! By extension, you get integration with a bunch of music players that keep updated like Swinsian and Vox.
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Please, bring us lastfm connection to discord. My custom rich presence is no longer working :(
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Upvoting, Spotify isn't the only music service, and integrates so many players through scrobbling. I have dozens of CDs who aren't on Spotify (because license issues), and I want to share what I'm listening on.
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As the Spotify desktop app can also scrobble local music files, it might be possible to share your local music listening on Discord that way if you have them ripped from CD as .mp3 or .m4a files (either with AAC or ALAC content). But they will not show on your profile as "Scrobbling now", only after the next track has already started, so I could be wrong.
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The issue isn't necessarily that we can't scrobble local music files. The issue is that some people who would still like music integration just don't use Spotify. provides that in one of the most open ways possible, and would open up the door for people who use YouTube Music, Apple Music, Bandcamp, Soundcloud and more. Not to mention that the Spotify integration is intrusive as all hell, pausing my music at random for no real reason.
As of currently you may be able to use a custom program with discord rich presence, but that wouldn't play well with people who primarily use discord on mobile devices. Also, it's just really janky to have to use an external program for something that should just be built in.
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Agreed, adding as a profile connection just makes the most sense. It supports just about any music player and streaming service out there.
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Still praying for good news about a proper integration one day 🙏
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I can't believe hasn't been added as a profile connection yet. I'm not asking for any other sort of integration, just the ability to share my with my friends and server members. This is long overdue
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.fmbot is great but being able to link our accounts to Discord just makes sense. We have rubbish like eBay?????? but not
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Throwing my vote for this integration as well!
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+1, Spotify is trash and I've scrobbled to LastFM for a decade. This is easy integration.
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this needs to be a thing, only workaround that i know of is using betterdiscord and some plugin which allows you to do this but somehow that's bannable.. which doesn't make sense at all? anways just bumping this in the hopes of it being a thing someday
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This can't be that hard, please implement it.
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