Mobile Media Links from media/net to cdn/com


17 comentarios

  • nikivarvar

    i'm surprised this is the only time this gets brought up in feedback, this is an issue that occurs for a lot of people i know, and myself (using android as well) for quite some time now

  • Пοрешъ

    Finally someone is mentioning it. This is definitely a problem that needs fixing asap.

  • toss toss

    On iOS, holding on a video gives a "copy media link" option alongside other message options, which gives a link. On Android, there is no such option, asnothing happens while holding on the video (no options, let alone "copy media link"); I have to open the video, tap the share icon, copy the link and manually edit it from cdn to media.

    This is the only thing holding me back from moving to Android, as it's really helpful for quickly sharing videos with friends.

    (Unrelated but interestingly, embeds seem to play successfully with .mov files but not with .mp4 or .webm)

  • mad880

    Yeah, I'm surprised this is still an issue. I hope it gets fixed soon.

  • 🌜Luna🌛

    As far as I can tell nobody from the discord dev team ever actually checks the feedback page, it's literally just a black hole where good ideas and legitimate issues are consigned to oblivion... I commented on a suggestion post over two years ago that has since got over 700 upvotes and new posts as recently as a couple months ago and still not a single dev has replied to it to say it's being considered.

    If you really want to see this fixed you should all scroll to the top, click submit a request and fill out a full bug report about it.. if enough duplicate bug reports start to pile up then eventually it should get somebodies attention.

  • Russ

    toss toss Have you tried holding tap next to the video and then copying text? That's what I always have to do to share videos on Android. Trying to figure out where the message but not the video is, is tricky. It's definitely not ideal.


    If someone linked the video from somewhere else, that usually works. If they uploaded the video themselves, then I have to do what you do. 

  • Irene

    Yes this is exactly my problem too, I hope this issue can be taken into account

  • Zipdox

    yep, having to manually edit the links is annoying

  • Somberyu

    Bumping this more, hopefully some dev actually sees this.

  • Russ

    Isn't this a super common problem that everyone has. Devs, hELLO

  • Quagdale Dingle

    Im tired of having to change my links to cdn I want this to happen

  • Zipdox

    On iOS, holding on a video gives a "copy media link" option alongside other message options, which gives a link. On Android, there is no such option, asnothing happens while holding on the video (no options, let alone "copy media link"); I have to open the video, tap the share icon, copy the link and manually edit it from cdn to media.

    This is the only thing holding me back from moving to Android, as it's really helpful for quickly sharing videos with friends.

    (Unrelated but interestingly, embeds seem to play successfully with .mov files but not with .mp4 or .webm)

    Why does discord even route videos through They aren't re-encoding them, so what's the point?

  • gh3ttoking

    I have actually the exact opposite problem:
    I have problems loading images and videos on my Android app and heavy Desktop App (like a video is only loading a few seconds and then stops, sometimes it plays after a while for a few seconds, sometimes not at all).
    Browser is also not much better, it takes a while until it's loaded. Videos can't be viewed in browser at all and only offers me to download it.
    On Desktop I always have to manually change the link from to so I loads quicker.
    But I think that's because I live in Europe.

    I noticed that a Twitch streamer from Canada had a problem to load a video from, after reposting it with the link and they were able to play it.

    I also have problems pinging, but can ping just fine (well, 33ms ping)

  • alx

    annoying as hell, go fix or bad devs

  • kellar

    hilarious this is still happening.

  • Victoria violet

    Thanks for highlighting the issue. Mostly users are facing this issue. I also faced this issue in my android version in the phone number generator. This is a problem which must be fix. Thank you. 

  • toss toss

    Bit late but looks like embeds finally play properly.



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