Preview Invites without https:// on Android
11 votos 2 comentarios
Recording videos from android app to help with file size limits
20 votos 1 comentario
Interfere with the window when viewing the screen
3 votos 0 comentarios
Searching for severs on mobile
-2 votos 0 comentarios
Auto keyboard down in discord mobile
-2 votos 0 comentarios
Discord font should change with the system font.
-7 votos 2 comentarios
Allow sharing of links from other apps on Android
6 votos 0 comentarios
On Android, increase Frequently Used emojis limit from 20 to 40
7 votos 0 comentarios
Answer chat from lockscreen Iphone
33 votos 2 comentarios
Server management for Emoji's, and webhooks
71 votos 2 comentarios
network modes
-2 votos 2 comentarios
Swipe to remove a entire role for permissions from a channel
-13 votos 0 comentarios
Button for topic
-10 votos 0 comentarios
Double Tap the Quick Switcher Button to go to Last Channel
8 votos 0 comentarios
[Android] Lighten the font color of codeblocks to make them easier to read
7 votos 0 comentarios
DMs and Discord Servers can close when changing the order of your severs
-4 votos 1 comentario
Add an option to copy someone's DiscordTag
29 votos 2 comentarios
View Discord profiles in mentions and search bar
12 votos 0 comentarios
[server moderation] finding users who dont wanna be found
11 votos 2 comentarios
Android app should keep the location in-chat after refresh / app switch
9 votos 0 comentarios
Haptic feedback/vibration implementation
11 votos 1 comentario
In-app Pop-up notification size
4 votos 1 comentario
Gaming Log for Mobile
12 votos 2 comentarios
Make bold stand out more on Android
16 votos 0 comentarios
Custom Options
-12 votos 0 comentarios
Quick Switcher Hold Instead of double tap back
6 votos 0 comentarios