New discord GUI
5 votos 0 comentarios
New forwarding messages feature: Why is it unsafe?
32 votos 0 comentarios
The quick emoji suggestions in the hover bar are very distracting and cover parts of the text
17 votos 0 comentarios
What are y'all doing with the forward feature?!
16 votos 0 comentarios
Additional detail to text chat
0 votos 0 comentarios
"Override lower roles" setting for permissions REPOST
2 votos 0 comentarios
Please remove Emoji Quick react on messages
18 votos 0 comentarios
Pop-Out Chats + Multi Chat View: Essential Missing Feature!!!
5 votos 0 comentarios
Adding feature for autodelete message in text channels
2 votos 0 comentarios
Addition of a "Send Button"
2 votos 2 comentarios
Message Hidden from likely spammer
-1 votos 2 comentarios
Suggest a new feature
-1 votos 0 comentarios
Windows 11 System tray icon
0 votos 0 comentarios
Built-In Discord messages that should be able to delete
2 votos 0 comentarios
Emotes with different skin color
1 voto 0 comentarios
Placement of the "(edited)" Tag
7 votos 1 comentario
Regarding message forwarding
2 votos 0 comentarios
About Discord User Blocking
7 votos 1 comentario
0 votos 0 comentarios
When would we ever get a clear chat option?
7 votos 1 comentario
Quero reocupar
0 votos 1 comentario
Stop Teasing Us
2 votos 0 comentarios
Stop wasting alt-click
1 voto 0 comentarios
-1 votos 0 comentarios
Math Symbols
4 votos 0 comentarios
Shortcut for Code Blocks
1 voto 0 comentarios
Option to make GIGANTIC EMOJIS if you do uppercase in between colons.
-1 votos 2 comentarios
End to End Dm Encryption on Discord on iOS App
3 votos 2 comentarios
I left a server and when I tried to join it says I'm banned when I'm not.
0 votos 0 comentarios
ability to link directly to pinned messages of a channel
0 votos 1 comentario