New Update Is Actively User Hostile
As someone who has ADHD and struggles with frequent severe headaches, using Discord since the update has been a significant struggle. The brighter colors act as both a distraction and a headache trigger, not just to me, but others as well - not to mention the fact that they're simply garish and ugly in general. The new font is hard to read in general and will greatly impact users with Dyslexia. I myself am not Dyslexic, however I have already had significant difficulty reading the newer fonts, and looking at the new logo makes me want to scream because of how displeasing the font itself is. It's ugly! It's bad! Comic Sans would have worked better. This update was definitely for the worst - it harms everyone, regardless of whether they have any of the conditions that are of most concern (autism, ADHD, dyslexia, chronic migraines, colorblindness/other visual impairments, etc.) or not. Even if there are no steps made to reverse the change, there should at least be a theme option available that reverts back to Discord's previous interface. I, and many others with the same (and different) conditions, use Discord as our primary method of communication, and it's not worth risking our health for.
As another person with ADHD. Using this site just to bump up feedback like this actively gives me a headache. Blurple is way too bright.
It actively fails at the goal discord set out to do with this update.
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I noticed that Discord replied to someone’s concerns about accessibility with a feedback form! I filled it out already, so I hope others in do and share it with friends as well to let them know how inaccessible and garish the new colors, font, etc. are for users.
Link to their tweet about it:
Link to their Google form feedback itself: claim accessibility is taken very seriously, so let’s be sure to inform them of how difficult these new changes are for people.
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