Mobile Update Feedback
Honestly, I cannot understand why some users do not like the update. Perhaps it's because changes often trigger fear, or some people are just looking for things to criticize. Welcome to the internet.
Personally, I love the faster launch time, message caching, and background refresh. The new user interface design is incredibly beautiful and modern. I have been waiting for such an update for years because, before this, I used to avoid the Discord Mobile App. I found the app was slow, unstable, and not visually appealing.
There are so many aspects that I have come to love, starting from the Messages & Server Tabs to the Supercharged Search and the improved Notifications Tab. The Midnight Theme, Media Sharing Improvements, and the new "You" Tab are additional highlights. I am particularly impressed with the new UI in Voice & Video Calls. The ability to pin DMs is also a very practical feature that I appreciate. (I hope to have this feature on the PC soon!)
I hope that Discord does not let itself be too influenced by the criticism. Of course, I can understand some arguments, but as mentioned earlier, I believe that many users simply fear change or are actively seeking points to criticize. I'm not saying that Discord shouldn't listen to criticism, but you should classify it correctly yk
Warm regards,
chrissi ♡
We don't fear change, it's just terribly clunky and hard to navigate. How much did they pay you to say this?
25 -
Discord Staff promised me two years of Nitro for this post. (This is obviously a joke)
-25 -
I hate the new update. It’s hard to use or find anything. Why did they have to change it anyways? Like who asked for the change?? If it ain’t broke then don’t try to fix it.
17 -
there are disabled people who literally can't use the app anymore after the update. literally wherever there's public comments on this there are people with issues with motor skills and dexterity talking about it. i hope they listen because this update isn't just ugly, it took an insane hit to how accessible the stupid thing even is to use
discord isn't some poor innocent single dev it's a team of people serving over 26million users. if most of them don't like the update they should listen. discord only exists now because we all ditched skype when it went south, and we can and will do it again
23 -
The new UI is not disability friendly. I have Autism, so I can even confirm. The app causes headaches easily, none of the themes are good, they all strain my eyes. Rather than having all my stuff in 1 swipe, I have to swipe around like 4 times just to see my friends messages. In fact, I usually don’t even know when I get messages anymore. If I can’t get the old UI back I will go looking for alternative apps and delete Discord, as I already cancelled my nitro.
16 -
Okay, I can totally understand that, that really sucks.
-3 -
Aside from that thing being visually inaccessible, it also stopped working in a bunch of ways. it's not even giving me notifs most of the time now
4 -
Luckily I don't have that problem, everything works perfectly for me.
-11 -
“Personally, I love the faster launch time, message caching, and background refresh.” This was fine. As a power user of most things, I was completely fine with this. The updated UI sucks because now people who have used Discord Mobile for years have to relearn the entire goddamn app. The navigation and similarity to the desktop UI is what gave Discord its notoriety (in my personal opinion) and allowed for people to easily transition from using desktop to their phone to chat.
I'm pretty confident that most people would not like a big button massacred UI that was designed for mobile phones shoved and squeezed onto a monitor and form of computation that doesn't mix well with that. People can try, but it's more “satisfying” to click big buttons with your thumb when you know you're not accurate as apposed to doing the same with a mouse, or at least that's the best I can put it.
People use Discord because it's a unique way to talk to people without the social media bullshit, and now it just looks like every other chat app on this goddamned planet.
Speak with your wallets here, people.
6 -
This entire update really just feels like they tried to be hip and down with the kids, by trying to conform to other social media apps and how they design their apps, and it falls flat on its face. Not being able to swipe out of a chat is crazy, I have to do 6 steps to change servers instead of just the like 2 I used to. Hiding server members list under the search feature? WHY? And the new themes are just blegh.
4 -
It's just a hornier WhatsApp at this point.
3 -
Faster launch times are great, but it's overall clunky and takes up more resources, and while some up those things you mentioned are good, they needed to be implemented while keeping the layout similar to the old one, with more focus on efficiency. We don't need giant banners advertising activity on the top of the screen, for example, or other bloated options that aren't focused on what Discord is: a chat program. This is dangerously similar to what AOL tried to do more and more of, eventually getting their services abandoned.
-1 -
Honestly? Mine launches and runs even slower now than it did pre update.
1 -
Anime300 i understand your point of view 100%, thank you for your contribution.
-1 -
It is objectively slower, poor loading performance, very very buggy. There's a user in my server who is invisible in voice channels but still ticks the vc user counter so he's definitely there but I can't see him/view his stream etc. It's actually a broken app now.
0 -
No the new UI/layout just sucks is bad as f@ck and it lags, I can’t find anything just change it back? 🤷♂️
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