Few suggestions for UI


10 commentaires

  • momentomori

    You don’t need to be name calling the people who dislike the new UI because it’s garbage maybe you don’t mind but there are actual issues with it’s new layout especially for moderation issues

  • Clear

    “…the full black for oled screens,” was already in Discord. You had to press the dark mode a few times, but it unlocked an all black option for AMOLED screens to use to save on battery.

    "Idk why so many people hate change in their life. I'm gonna say new UI looks good." I'm gonna rehash what I've said before, “The updated UI sucks because now people who have used Discord Mobile for years have to relearn the entire goddamn app. The navigation and similarity to the desktop UI is what gave Discord its notoriety (in my personal opinion) and allowed for people to easily transition from using desktop to their phone to chat." Nothing needed to change. It was fine as is.

    “Overall i think it's good but should put an option to change to old one for crybabies, it's only fair.” lol ok

  • Betoon

    You think i didn't use it for a long time. Took me like 2minutes to get used to it. And tell me people who are boycotting and saying “im gonna stop using discord if they don't change it back” aren't crybabies. Grow up. And it looks nicer, it's a preference.

    For the dark mode you mentioned i didn't know that even existed.

    And I'm gonna agree with some people saying it should be a on off option.

    But discord still have my support tho, try going back to fkin skype and some other old apps we used before and you will understand how good discord actually is so stop boycotting.

    momentomori while i agree with you check almost every post talking shit bout discord team, they are people too you know

  • Clear

    “And I'm gonna agree with some people saying it should be a on off option.” I can agree with you there, 100%. It shouldn't be difficult to maintain two UI'S, they do it already between Desktop and Mobile (as now shown).

    I don't care for Skype, Teamspeak, or anything similar. I use Discord because it's what I was first introduced to eons ago and use it as my primary online contact method.

    I also don't really care if it “looks nicer,” the look has--sorry, had--a legacy untouched by modern chat apps. I don't care if something looks nice or not, if it works, it works.

  • chrissi ♡

    I agree with you. Most people who hate the update simply join the others without forming their own opinion, are afraid of change, or are just looking for things to criticize.

  • Ari Beck

    Or the update is just bad, unintuitive, actively harder to use and slower to navigate, in addition to the issues I have with the updates to dark mode (why change regular dark mode if you're going to also add midnight??). No need to resort to namecalling because you like something not very many people seem to like. 

  • chrissi ♡

    I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be disrespectful. I just think that many posts are unjustified, unfair to Discord and sometimes just not true. 

    Some people threaten to switch to another app and I would be interested to know how long it takes them to return to Discord because they realize that Discord is pretty good. I also don't understand comments like "Discord should listen to feedback more", bro almost the entire update is based on changes that the community has wanted for years. 

    Again, I don't mean to be rude but it makes me sad me how disrespectful comments are made towards Discord. Discord is working hard to improve the user experience for all of us.

  • Gwanda

    "I cant understand why people hate it :( :( :(' Because I can't use it? Because the update has kicked its disabled users to the curb in favor of emulating Instagram messages? Congrats on finding fun in this, but some of us have been kicked off the app entirely. Please try to think of the greater community before you go praising a blue background and worse buttons. 

  • Betoon

    Really, Why can't you use it tho?

    Well You always have an option to download 1 version older on some apk site which doesn't support new UI if it works like that, don't know why it shouldn't work. That should satisfy many.

  • chrissi ♡

    Gwanda i don't agree with you. It's not a common skill to know what sick or impaired people feel. Recently, a user told me that the new UI is a terrible experience for people with autism. I didn't know that beforehand and apologized accordingly.

    I am convinced that Discord is already working on a solution, we just have to be patient.


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