Somehow explaining the Discord false bans and support issues
Hi and welcome to this wannabe article about what in the world is going on with Discord Support and Discord false bans situation right now!
Now, I am not a professional at such things, but I'll try my best at explaining things.
If you got banned and Discord didn't send you any e-mail regarding the reason of ban, check out this post: (
If you got unbanned, please say that you did and I'll put it at the end of this post.
I personally know 5-10 people that got suspended for being underage, including me (most of them got unbanned as well!), and honestly. I think this whole thing is a literal joke. However, I am trying to understand situation they're in.
So, what exactly is going on right now?
Honestly, I don't even know. Recently, there's been an increasing number of people being randomly banned from Discord. Most of these bans are for being supposedly underage which in most cases right now, is false. Why? Because Discord's AI made for flagging inappropriate content can't see context in messages like “why did you do this?” “I'm 12”.
Okay, but this reason is actually one of the ones that can get you unbanned, right?
While yes it is like that, and people try to send appeals and such to Discord Support, but they just keep ignoring you as if nothing had happened, leading to a deletion of your account 14-30 days after getting banned. Again, why? Discord Support consists of 210 people, according to Better Business Bureau(BBB), and additionally, Discord stated that they are experiencing an increased amount of tickets flowing in on BBB, and by combining both the low employee count, and tickets being sent at very high rates(based on my observations, it's around 25-30k tickets per 24h, and increasing, which gives us around 17.3-20.8 tickets per minute) + their support not being 24/7, Discord Support just cannot keep up with them.
Is there any way they can slow down tickets flowing in?
Well, let me introduce you to Nelly.
Nelly is a Discord's mascot, representing white robotic hamster. You might have noticed that your ticket got closed by someone named Nelly. Let me explain why that could've happened to you.
According to a comment of Nielk1 (, Nelly is also a bot used by Discord that checks if a certain ticket is ‘correct’, or ‘valid’ and probably prevents you from spamming multiple tickets in a short period of time. This obviously helps keep the queue down, but it is clearly not enough, as we all might have noticed, and might be a bit faulty, as some people stated they get their tickets simply closed without any warning, even when they send a single one.
So, how do they plan on addressing these issues?
That's a good question because to be fair, no one knows what and if Discord plans anything to address this mess.
Theoretically, it's simple. Hire more employees in Support Department. And you might be right, because they're clearly understaffed and they make a lot of money (in 2022, according to their revenue was ~$428m), so they can probably afford more employees. But they also need experienced people in “Customer Support” (i think?) category, which may or may not be hard to find. And we don't know if Discord even wants to hire anyone, or what their expenses are, which makes it harder to make assumptions like that.
Well, What can I do after getting banned?
Currently? Send an appeal and pray. Pray that they will actually give you a positive response before your account gets deleted (14-30 days after suspension I don't know if they actually delete accounts when your ticket's open). You could try DM'ing them on Twitter (, but I heard people don't get a reply too often. Although it's worth a try.
First of all things, keep only ONE ticket open. Opening more will make their work harder and these additional tickets will be automatically closed by Nelly, as explained in “Is there any way they can slow down tickets flowing in?”. If your ticket gets closed without any response, just add to conversation that your issue is still not resolved. If there is literally no activity for 7-14 days, you should do the same thing. If your ticket had an activity but there was no response and the ticket is still open, that means your ticket was seen by someone, but probably ignored (if there's no response after 2-4 days). I recommend waiting those 2-4 days and after that period of time, saying the issue's not resolved still.
Also, two of the more important things in tickets, be nice to them. And keep your tickets short and fitting the topic you choose(to avoid Nelly closing your ticket). This gives you a higher chance at getting a response, as they most likely will be more willing to respond to nicer people first, and not be so quick with the not nice ones. After all, they’re humans like us.
And most importantly, be patient with them. They take some time to answer (sometimes too much, obviously), but to be honest writing an appeal to them is better than doing nothing.
Other than that, there is nothing you can really do. Maybe talk about your issue on Twitter or TikTok, but it'd require the posts to blow up to even get noticed by Discord on there.
But be ready, because you might not get back your account at all, which is very likely to happen in current situation.
Hope it helps you understand the situation as a whole and help people get their accounts back! Remember that I am just theorizing about this whole thing, followed with some facts 'n stuff.
People who got unbanned already:
Oh shit my account server has 2000 person
They said I was a minor and closed my account, but I am already 20 years oldThey said I was a minor and closed my account, but I am already 20 years oldoo
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I finally made one of my tickets being “open”, just write that I still need help in my already closed ticket. One youtuber guy helped me with that. Also, he said that these “closed by Nelly bot tickets” are not going to Discord support stuff. He also said that they're not deleting accounts if your ticket is still open.
I don't know it's true or not, but I'll hope it's true.0 -
Right.. I edited the article and now it includes a part where they say they don't delete your account when your ticket is open. (But I heard from some people that they got their accounts deleted regardless of them having their ticket open.)
Also yes, when Nelly closes your ticket, it does not get sent to discord support staff.Hope you'll get your account back!
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Itam Thanks for this, I'll hope too.
You can, if you want, ask the youtuber Anexis about this (He's helped me with that). Maybe he's knows more than me, anyway. After all, I hope they don't delete accounts when your tickets are open. It would be great for me.0 -
White Mobster
I asked Discord Support on twitter about this, we'll see what they say.0 -
Ok so i have a situation where I mistook charges on my paypal that were for my boyfriend's nitro as fraudulent charges. I send a ticket and obviously this ends up in my bf being disabled. Do you have any idea if this is a fixable unban?? ive been reaching out on twitter, updated the tickets, etc. and have only been met with clyde once talking to me as if i'm still looking for a fraud refund.
Is there any hope? should i keep trying?+
edit: my bf tried appealing and they said i had to get into contact with them and confirm it was fine. they wont listen to his appeals and are giving him the runaround, saying to log into discord to continue the appeal when he obviously cant.
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Hi Itam ,
Thanks a lot for your guidance, but I have a question. My tickets keep getting marked “Solved” at random intervals ranging from 30 minutes to 1 hour. I have already replied like 30-40 times when it is marked as “Solved” to keep my ticket marked as “Open” yet after certain intervals they are simply marked as “Solved” again. Are these caused by the bots or is it someone manually closing it. Should I submit an entirely new ticket or should I keep replying when it is marked as closed? Do you have any more advice to get my ticket potentially seen by a staff member?
I received the usual response about not being reinstated not from clyde but someone assigned to me called “Discord Safety & Trust”
Again, Thank you alot for your guidance and you have helped me a ton to understand the current updates around the Discord Support Team.0 -
Hello guys !
My ticket as just been solved after 1 week. I may can help if any of you have questions. I have been suspended for underage (so the process might differ for other stuff).
Just to clarify: Don't spam tickets ! Only one is enough, it really does put you back at the beginning of the queue. So spamming is not the answer and you will just wait more and more. So don't. Yes I know it's really frustrating / stressing, but they will for sure come to you at so point. To prevent your account to be deleted, I think you can try to log in. In my opinion this will send a ping to prove activity on your account so they don't have reason to delete it. But that's just a theory.
When answering, they might close your ticket. You can simply add a new comment to reopen it.
About the picture, the mail the sent me was wrong. You need to be on the picture as well as ID proof (driver licence, passeport, but also Student card are allowed !!!). This ID need a picture of you and birthdate ! Make sure to make them readable (not too blurry)
Since the support don't send mail when they get your ticket, you can try contacting them on Twitter. They will tell you that the ticket was well received but it will still need to be take by the support. But it's a good first confirmation.
Good luck to all of you guys !! Be patient they will come soon1 -
Hi azguendare ,
How many times did you have to reply to keep your ticket open and how many days did you reply to it consistently? The “reason” I got banned for for Hacking/Credit Card fraud.0 -
Hello VeuroDouture
I made a first ticket that was kept open all during my wait. The only that were closed were the ones that Nelly bot took (Nelly closed them in some few minutes) I made after the first one.
Spaming replies is as same as spamming tickets, your demand goes at the bottom of the queue. I can only recommand to do so if you made a mistake and you want to modify just some few hours / days. I didn't had to reply to it to reopen until support team answered me and they closed it by themselves. Hope this help
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Hello, azguendare
You mean only ONE open ticket, right? I have a few but solved tickets. They're solved by Nelly so I don't think they was been sent to Discord Staff. Anyway, thanks for this. It's really great to hear it, because it's gives a hope to us.
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Hi White Mobster
Yes I mean only One ticket open (Or + as long they aren't on the same topic) ! Nelly will automatically close the other one as long as it's the same category. I was able to send an other support ticket asking a question regarding an other subject and it was still open. If all of your tickets are closed, you can try reopen one of them by sending a reply in it. Idk if Nelly will close or not but I don't think it will, you can give a try.
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Hi azguendare ,
Thanks for your reply, I guess we have different situations. My one ticket gets marked as “Solved” without any response every 30 minutes or 1 hour, so I have to reply to it to reopen again. I have done this consistent replies for hours on end and from multiple days now.0 -
Yeah kinda weird. Did you tried opening a fully new one ?
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azguendare ,
Im going to try, its tiring having to monitor and seeing it be set to solved every hour or 30 minutes or so.0 -
Maybe try to change the topic ??? Might sounds a bit off but if you're trying to make a more “generalistic” demand maybe it will work ? But it might also take more time to process.
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Me está pasando lo mismo aunq no precisamente por ser menor de edad
Solo me envian correos donde dicen q tomaron medidas contra mi cuenta pero no especifican exactamente q medidas y no puedo entrar ya q está deshabilitada 😭
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this post should help you if you didn't get any e-mail from discord regarding reason of getting banned:
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Did you chargeback the payment or?0 -
Itam igual creo q no tengo mucho por hacer yo
Realmente si mandé contenido Nsfw en un servidor, pero me da mal genio q discord no me dió mucha información por correo de la suspensión solo me llegó un mensaje donde dice q viole sus términos y y q vaya al sistema de reputación de la cuenta
Pero como pretende Discord q me dirija al sistema de reputación si no puedo acceder a la cuenta 😭
Y los tickets ni hablar son una basura
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Itam tienes cuenta secundaria? Para hablar mejor del tema en discord por MD?
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I did NOT chargeback it, i only went through discord and they ended up disabling him. No refund has been granted either which is good, i dont want one anymore
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Itam ,
Do you have anymore tips or guides to atleast get a human agent to take even a single glance of my ticket? It has been a stressful 5 days of constant 24 hours back and forth with “solved” and “Open” and I feel like my tickets are being automatically marked as solved.0 -
Hi Itam
Thanks for mention my post link, if anyone face the problem regarding not received any email to stated the reason you got disabled, feel free to talk with me through that post.
Thank you
-Rozianist0 -
You could try texting them your ticket ID on X. And also, your tickets get automatically closed because Nelly thinks your ticket is either invalid orr you've sent multiple tickets regarding similar topic. Also keep in mind that you should keep only one ticket open.0 -
Itam ,
Thank you alot for your swift response. I only have 1 ticket and that keeps getting marked as solved and I have to reply constantly to open it up. I do not know if I should create another one. Thank you again for your advice on this matter I will follow your advice.0 -
I've not filed a chargeback, i just went entirely through discord but theyre not responding on twitter OR in the tickets. multiple tickets were still open for the original misunderstanding about it being a double charge so I updated all of them that i could trying to tell them the situation
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Honestly I don't know what to do in this situation. You can keep trying to DM them on X and pray for response.0 -
I mean you could try creating a new ticket, but it probably will be marked as solved either way and decrease your chances on actually getting a response from a human.0 -
Okay I thought I was the only one who is going through this. My account been disabled earlier on about 5 hours ago for being underaged when my account is 7+ years old. Not sure if they thought I made my account when I was 3 or 4 but I got banned for making a joke just saying I was 10 years old just to be funny. I’ve done this many times before and haven’t had a problem so I’m wondering what changed now.
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