my account was hacked


15 commentaires

  • Dregon_MMM

    Same happened to me.

  • Lihi8901

    Did you manage to get it back?

  • Dregon_MMM

    Nope, been 10 days and nothing except radio silence


  • Dregon_MMM

     2 tickets and discord just ignores it and uses the bot to mark it as resolved even though nothing has been resolved, nor escalated it to a higher level. Just radio silence as a way of "resolving" tickets.

  • ZeoLightning

    Discord is trying to feed me the same bs, IT's not worth using anymore

  • Lihi8901

    i'd agree with you, but it's the only way i have to talk to most of my friends and i have a server i REALLY don't want to lose 

  • Ferretdude07

    i'm the same… don't care too much about the account.. but i badly need my servers


  • Dregon_MMM

    Same goes for me

  • ZeoLightning

    once its gone, its gone. they say that once other people  get compromised from your account that was compromised and if a server is deleted its irreversible. yeah i agree about not wanting to lose friends. it sucks cause i had some friends only on discord who dont use social media and i have no way of contacting them otherwise. its so stupid. but discord gets away with terrible service, terrible security and terrible customer support and it sucks.

  • I feel like I've lost everything. I just want my damn account back, and to once again hang out on servers and talk to friends! I feel like the ability to override changes made by a hacker when I give specific dates when changes were made should be well within the power of Discord's staff! 

  • ZeoLightning

    it is, but they pick and choose who they use that power on

  • Domai

    I had my identity completely stolen including email, amazon, paypal, bankaccounts, and discord and much more. The support team(basically AI bots at this point), keep automatically marking my tickets solved. It seems like discord is either losing a lot of money and doesn't have staff to actually look into creating solutions, or they just don't gaf. In my case, I don't have any form of social media other than Discord, so I've literally lost connection with some my my cousins and old friends. I officially hate this app.

  • ZeoLightning

    whoa, paypal, amazon email and bank accounts, thats insanity

  • J E F F69

    my account was hacked as well.  5moths ago…   still nothing from discord.   the last bot response ended with. “if you still  can't log into your account. make a new one”…   


    and yet there's another user on here, that had his account fully reverted to how it was b4 the hack… 


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