Uhh... okay, I'm not sure what just happened but my Main Discord Account got disabled for no reason


13 commentaires

  • BatHunter🦇🎧

    I can't say for sure, but here is my theory:

    Perhaps, thanks to the activity of the scammer, various people ‘reported’ your account to Discord Support Staff.
    In their typical, ‘timely’ fashion, Discord, having finally resolved to revert your account's email address to what it once was, have only NOW responded to the various complaints and Support Requests that have been leveraged against your account once it was hijacked.

    If this is true, then it may yet be many months before Discord gives a proportional response… and if it is–Jesus. They are making a complete mockery of their technical support jobs and apparently are so harebrained that they cannot piece together that the Reports/Complaints no longer need to be investigated. If they are this genuinely incompetent, then this communication service is simply neither deserving of yours, mine, or ANYBODY'S time.

    Either that, or…it could just be a genuine error on their part. I look forward to hearing an update to this story because I am interested to hear their response.

  • Xionkai

    BatHunter🦇🎧 Ugh this is just getting worse and worse and I just hope this wasn't a mistake that ppl on discord falsely reported my main acc that was just recovered there x___x

  • Aung Zay Phyo

    Same 2 of my accounts were disabled for no reason at all. Clyde auto response said I’ve break Discord TOS. Even though I didn’t actually done nothing wrong. They said they’ll not reinstate that account. I’m so frustrated with discord for this. I hope they fixes it ASAP. 

  • Xionkai

    Aung Zay Phyo Yeah, I haven't got an Email explaining why my Main Discord Account got disabled for unknown reasons yet. Althought I replied to my current open ticket(The one where they recovered my main acc where it got Hacked) I have explaining the issue to them there, hoping they'll respond.. :/

  • Kamilamiron17

    Yo. Is that why you become offline since yesterday? 

  • Chad Harp

    Same issue here, I only had one account, it got disabled for TOS violation out of the blue.  Since I'm not a heavy user, no loss, I created a new account and it was insta banned the moment I sent my first friend request.   It's frustrating because discord is the only way a group of us chat while gaming together.

  • Xionkai

    Chad Harp Thankfully for my case, they undisabled my main acc because they thought that I got hacked again and got token logged. So they gave me an option to reset my password once again(and opt in for a Stronger Password so no Hacker can Hijack my main acc again) and I can use my main acc again without any issues, which I made a post about it here: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/23570028750103-Discord-Support-Team-Undisabled-My-Main-Account-because-they-thought-I-got-hacked-again-and-Token-Logged

  • Chad Harp

    Glad you got your issue resolved.   sounds like it's taking several weeks for most people to see any action on their support requests.   Very disappointing for a company with 15B USD net worth.

  • Xionkai

    Chad Harp Yeaah, I don't blame you there rip

  • johnramos85

    Same for me Xionkai, just got my disabled account reactivated.

  • Aung Zay Phyo

    Chad Harp, unfortunately I heavily rely on discord for communicating with my friends. I had a lot of memories on the account. Now I lost them due to discord false banning my account. Discord support is not helpful at all for me.

  • Masonportman46

    I don't understand why people getting account back.My account was disbaled since November last year. How is it possible people getting theirs back all of a sudden? I'm so pissed  

  • Masonportman46

    … can anyone help out


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