My account was stolen by a hacker with a Keylogger, it's been a month since I opened the ticket, and nothing has been done.


3 commentaires

  • andrew twinkyard (evan)

    The same thing happened to me, plus my ticket is marked as solved, even though it isn't. I'm writing to them to reopen the ticket and it keeps being closed about half an hour later. It really sucks

  • Crystal

    Same thing with me too. I provided as much proof as possible and it got closed too. I even have the hacker on my account telling my friend he is the new owner and to pay up if I want the account back. Showed receipts on nitro payments since 2021.  

  • Soulfuljester

    This is the exact same thing that has happened to me. I submitted a Ticket, briefly got in contact with a person saying they bumped it up then I got the “Beyond our original support regarding this issue, we're unable to provide additional information or support for this request.” usual message. Despite all the images I sent them proving my account was hacked and was being used to do the exact same thing to my friends.


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