My account was stolen by a hacker with a Keylogger, it's been a month since I opened the ticket, and nothing has been done.
So, basically, a hacker got control over one of my friend's account, and talked to me the exact way he did talk to me, and asked me to test out game that was a Final Project for college of his other friend. At that time I did not suspect anything; I clicked the link, and it opened up a website, all clean, with a "Contact us"," Download Game", “Watch Trailer”, overall really well made, And I clicked on in, downloaded it, and ran it. (My antivirus did not alert for anything) Then boom, I got Chache Grabbed. All of my stored in cache info, stolen by him. He kept using stuff that I had my debit card associated with, but I fortunately managed to mostly take back what he Stole from me. What's missing? My NITRO Discord Account. It's been a more than a month now, and All I got was a “We've Escalated the ticket” Nothing else, from discord Support… This is a Month if Nitro That I'm not using nad paid for this is a month he's been using my acc to steal more people's data, and all that. I can't get my account back because he managed to deactivate my 2FA from the account, and enable it FOR HIM, I don't know how is this even possible, but yeah….
Now I can't do anything about it, except to wait for a Response from the support team I guess…
I've replied many times to the ticket over time, With more info that I got over time about what Happened, but Nothing. No response. Should I copy this more neatly written text and add it to the ticket? So all the Info is better compacted?
The same thing happened to me, plus my ticket is marked as solved, even though it isn't. I'm writing to them to reopen the ticket and it keeps being closed about half an hour later. It really sucks
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Same thing with me too. I provided as much proof as possible and it got closed too. I even have the hacker on my account telling my friend he is the new owner and to pay up if I want the account back. Showed receipts on nitro payments since 2021.
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This is the exact same thing that has happened to me. I submitted a Ticket, briefly got in contact with a person saying they bumped it up then I got the “Beyond our original support regarding this issue, we're unable to provide additional information or support for this request.” usual message. Despite all the images I sent them proving my account was hacked and was being used to do the exact same thing to my friends.
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