My account was hacked and discord keeps resolving my tickets


7 commentaires

  • Alkszikibro

    Ong I get you my account got disabled too from what I've read online its literally a game of luck 😭

  • DevilnDuck

    You’re right, it’s so sad, I just feel ill

  • RJRacoon

    Yeah, wish I could give you any hope or advice on it, other than: keep being persistent on the issue. 
    My account has been compromised since mid march this year. Key seems to be to just open a new ticket every time the old one gets marked as solved, and, as Alkszikibro said, the rest is a game of luck. I have seen some that get their account back within hours, for some it took 5 months or longer. Just keep being persistent and eventually you will get through. I am on ticket 17 now since it happens, and also only open one every time my old one gets closed. 

  • Chucacabrawow

    Im sorry about your account. I gave up on mine a while back. Discord just doesn't care.

  • Alkszikibro

    Chucacabrawow, how long has it been since you've lost access to your account? Im trying to understand how long Discord takes to respond rather than thinking they wont respond at all because someone Ik got their account back after a month recently.

  • Alkszikibro

    you too arachan?

  • Alkszikibro

    DevilnDuck and anybody whose lost their account, I have an idea. Baiscally it seems that the update age ticket system is ruled by bots alone, but what if you send a ticket to ‘general question’ instead, what if that system is regulated by actual humans? Maybe send a question there about your general question of how bans work etc because youre worried your account may be wrongfully deleted due to no response in ‘insert update age ticket id’ so that the person thats checking your request can open up that ticket and perhaps help you out. Im not sure but Im gona give this a go


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