Discord Bot Limit Removed (And A Solution To Indexing Integrations)
The Problem
Discord as far as a few months ago have added a bot limit that limits servers who don't already have 50 bots or more to a maximum of 50 bots. The reason why they added this is because through indexing the bots through server settings (Listing the bots/integrations in server settings) is limited to 50 bots/integrations. So discord decided to implement a limit to the amount of bots a server can have to 50. The only exception for this limit is if your server already exceeded this limit before this limit was introduced that nothing would change and you could continue to add bots. The reason why this is a problem is that new servers or servers less than 50 bots are limited to how far they can go relating to expansion. Especially upcoming servers who hope to develop more than 50 bots. Bots are what make discord just a bit more special than every other social network app on the internet.
This is what happens when you try to add more than 50 integrations if you didn't exceed the limit before.
You can see that the list of integrations in server settings don't have sections of pages. Hence the solution below.
The Solution
I purpose a solution that allows discord to fix their issue with indexing bots within server settings, and, the solution is to introduce “pages” within this setting tab. Similar to what google uses when listing search results, or what discord uses when listing members that joined in communities. When you hit the limit of 50 per page it creates a new page, that has a new list of bots or integrations are listed. Searching through the bots will still be the same where the only difference being you would be searching through all of the pages and the results be in pages. So that if one page was filled up with results you would go onto the second page of results, and so on. I feel like this solution would greatly benefit newer servers or servers who have already reached the bot limit.
Visual representation of pages being used already in members and how it can be implemented to fit integrations instead.
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