Discord not responding to my appeal, its been 13 days


8 commentaires

  • Foralts33

    they just look at your appeal and dont consider it i've sent in like 4 and theyve all been marked as solved but they never get back to me or give me back my account even though ive given them all the proof that I am not suppose to be suspended theres not even a point in trying. 

  • koko

    They ignored mine for 7 days too they are a joke


  • Foralts33

    sent mine in a month ago, nothing. 

  • koko

    Tbh just make a new account at this point they wont give it back it seem 

  • Foralts33

    I did its just unfortunate i rlly wanted my account but they arent helpful at all they have AI checking tickets 

  • _shalev_

    don't we have another way to contact them directly? like phone or something

  • A24934412

    Yeah, would really appreciate some way to contact them directly, sending support tickets and @ them on twitter seems to do nothing, it's just all radio silence.

  • ˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞˞

    Woah, glad I’m not alone here… 



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