Please help me recover my hacked account


74 commentaires

  • arachan23

    whats ur dc ill help you 


  • Pyszna Kapusty

    I am also in the same situation after i got hacked, from what i learned if you spam tickets in discord they will eventually auto-solve/close them without being checked.
    I am also at a loss on what else we can do other than waiting for them to answer back, if anything its rather sad that this is happening, i expected a better support from such a large plataform 

  • dh200

    Yeah I’m trying to get help too..

    My lost discord is dh_cord and my ticket is #46053860

    I need help

  • ÆtherNomad

    arachan23: thank you! My lost discord is “aethernomad”, my latest ticket is #46063032; if you meant my current (temporary) discord, then please mail me at and then I'll send it to you, I don't want to go public with that

    Pyszna: and I didn't even spam tickets, I only open one when the last one is closed…

  • arachan23

    ÆtherNomad no man i mean ill help you how to do tickets properly u dont have to send me ur gmail or stuff 

  • dh200

    How did you guys get hacked?

  • arachan23

    dh200 to the i accidentally report you scam 

  • dh200

    Yeah.. same here.. were you also threatened with account deletion?

  • arachan23

    dh200 yea but i got my acc back 2 days ago 

  • ÆtherNomad

    arachan23: sweet, I'm listening then!

    dh200: my mail got hacked first (likely due to a data leak, because I hadn't changed my password in a long time), and from there the hackers were able to use password recovery in order to access my discord. Having accessed my discord they were able to change its associated mail and password. I was able to recover and secure my mail, but not my discord yet.

  • dh200

    archan23, well your lucky..

  • arachan23

    ÆtherNomad send a ticket where u put all ur files in a zip file explain every detail and dont spam discord they will think its a false request 

    dh200 no im not lucky it was very stressfull while waiting for the reply but i just keep hoping that it will come back to me you guys got this 

  • RJRacoon

    I fell for the same scam in march this year, all you can do is open a new ticket everytime the old ticket gets marked as “solved” and hope that some employee actually looks into your issue. For me it took 3 Months and 19 tickets in total. Some people get their account back within minutes, some take months, like it was with my account. 

    Add as much proof in form of screenshots as you can, dont send multiple tickets at the same time, and hope that some actual human look into your ticket instead of the automated bot system. 

  • Asumie1539


    I could use some help as well or some guidance, I fell for the same scam about 5 days ago and I have been trying to get access back to my main discord account since then. I have many screenshots including one of an email that addresses me by my discord account name from discord and I went into insane detail on the tickets I have sent. So I have plenty of evidence to prove that the account was mine, so what I am doing wrong? 

    Also, did they get you to change your email like others (they I mean the scammer)? Because if so then thank god, since I am tired of seeing crap from Clyde saying nothing can be done when obviously something can be done.

  • arachan23

    Asumie1539 yes  i got it back tho like 3 or 4 days ago if u need help i can help you.

  • Pyszna Kapusty

    arachan23, can you also help me ?

    I tried to help someone i meet on discord to test a game and he ended up hacking my pc, i thought i could trust him but ig its my fault for being naive.

    Regardless he tried to steal my accounts unsuccessfuly and then “nuked” my discord somehow, triggering 2 child safety violations.

    I keep on sending to discord that my account got hacked and that the hacker is still roaming around probably still scamming people, the hack is known as “Elaras Echo” and it used to be known as “World of Mythia", i tried to send proof of this to discord since with my account banned i cannot get more proof unless i could access the logs of the chat i had with the person.

    I also want to had that whenever i sent an explanation with the issue i would always be requested to do a ban appeal instead which ended up not working and in the end they would just say “we wont change your account standing” despite me presenting the proof and the proof itself being present on the chat logs with the individual that hacked me.

  • Asumie1539


    Yes that would be helpful, how would we go about communicating further? On here or somewhere else?

  • arachan23

    Pyszna Kapusty

    i got hacked differently man but i can help you how to make ticket properly tho


  • arachan23

    Asumie1539   discord u can add me heres my ign aracutie or if u want somewhere else its fine too .
    I might reply to you late tho cuz its late in my time rn.

  • Asumie1539


    Discord it is and that's ok if you reply late, I have several friends (one of them being in Australia) with that kind of time zone. I will add you in a bit since it is morning for me right now and I need coffee.

    (edit) I can't add you apparently since it will have to be you who adds me. Marashi is what I am currently using for now. I'll probably be asleep by the time you do send the request but I can accept the request when I wake up.

  • Pyszna Kapusty

    arachan23, can i also add you in discord ?
    My current discord name is idontwannabebanned. (it was my secondary account, ironic that its named like this) also it does have a dot in the end of the name for some reason

  • Capeli

    I keep getting the same bot responses from Clyde. I already submitted my fifth ticket.

  • Asumie1539

    Pyszna Kapusty

    It will be some time before we get our response, since they may be heading to sleep by now if it is late for them. 

    It is really upsetting that Discord doesn't do anything about these people, they are scamming people and what's worse is that a lot of them are impersonating Discord staff. I just don't get it because it just negatively affects their reputation leaving the scammers be and not doing anything to stop them, the logic just doesn't make any sense to me. 

  • Pyszna Kapusty


    I 100% agree, i reported this to my irl Judiciary Police and Cyber police so that in the future i wont have any issues, because i got the child safety violation trigger im deathly afraid of what the hacker could have done and posted on my account, so the report is a sort of “safety” in case i get any sort of accusation in the future.
    I find it extremely unprofessional from discord staff to just ignore those cases and not have a dedicated team for those hacking situations, to make it worse all my tickets end up being reported by Clyde that i am trying to do an appeal.

    Yes i want my account back, that much is a given but come on… do some investigation, ping some actual human to check out our accounts, this is genuinely ridiculous from such a big company…

  • Theultimatetd222

    I'm having the same problem too. THE SHEAR AMOUNT OF RAGE MAKES ME WANT TO BEAT THE PERSON WHO STOLE OUR ACCOUNTS! I don't want to be on my current new account I created ago, I had so much on my original account, so many servers, so many friends, so many conversations, etc. THIS YEAR IS LIKE THEY WANT ME TO SUFFER!

  • Asumie1539

    Pyszna Kapusty

    Mine were all closed by Clyde saying they couldn't assist me further or provide any more information to me in my ticket when they obviously can. And for them to indirectly say that they can't just switch my email address back to what it was before the hacker (scammer) took over is a load of crap. That is all they have to do in most cases and all they have pointed out to me is that they are too lazy, I can get if a team is understaffed but this level of bad performance has no excuse. 

    I have to agree with you on the fact that they are such a large company and such a used app, it is a joke their overall performance in their support team. I am surprised they haven't gotten into trouble the amount of crap their support team has caused due to their lack of decent performance, number of staff, and action. 

  • Asumie1539

    Great I get a screenshot from my friend that the guy is starting to use my account for his scams, the exact same way as he did me. I am about to get pissed if Discord support doesn't help me out with this.

  • Pyszna Kapusty


    I suppose i got lucky enough  that the hacker compromised my account on that regard, for now we can only wait and hope someone notices this.
    From what i have been reading this is a problem ocurring to a lot of people… 
    Scams, hackers stealing accounts, servers getting flooded with illegal content and users just getting banned without discord even extending a little help towards us.
    Its frustrating and i do try to give them the benefit of the doubt since they have a very small team… but its still concerning that those people could ruin our Digital Footprint just like that and escape without any repercussion

  • Pyszna Kapusty


    I understand the anger that comes from those people doing this to us, but please calm yourself down, we are all in a similar situation were our account are compromise and our friends, conversations and servers could be at risk.
    I sincerely hope discord notices this chats and sends someone to help us even if its 1 by 1 so we can solve this peacefully and in an ordely fashion, i feel im just dreaming that it could happen but the least we can do is try to be cordial and understand that despite the automatic replies being a load of bs, the people working for discord are still human beings

  • Asumie1539

    I just hope that Discord learns from this problem because if this doesn't get handled soon then it is going to spread like a wild fire like it already has been. Because the way they are doing things right now is only causing more problems for us and for themselves, the situation seems to be getting worse too from what I can tell. It may not be the support team's fault but it definitely is for someone in their management, the one making the terrible decisions that made their support this bad. 

    I am trying to keep calm as long as I can but the fact the guy is now using my account for his scam does not help and the fact I have been at this for more than almost 8 days, it is truly starting to test my patience.


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