Busters cold down.
1-2 months ago, I boosted another server. On the day I gave the boost or the day after, I can't say for sure, but as far as I understand, I was kicked from the server. It's unlikely the server was deleted since it had quite a few members, and I didn't notice any crashes or similar issues. I think those of you who have or used to have Discord Nitro know that there's a cooldown of 7 days to transfer a boost to another server. I want to suggest reducing this cooldown to 2-3 days or increasing the time before the server booster badge is removed after 7 days from the last boost.
This was the first time I encountered a server that kicks a user right after receiving a boost, and I don't want this to happen to anyone else. I wouldn't be writing all of this if I didn't have the server booster badge for almost 18 months (17 months at the time the badge was removed). Also, here's a tip: if you're boosting a server that you've never boosted before, only give one of your boosts. You get two free boosts per month, and it's better to use the other boost on a server where you are sure you won't get kicked. This will serve as a safety net for your booster badge.
Thank you <3
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