Voice Chat Through Media Stream (see Details)
Hey guys,
Currently on Android, the Voice chat is considered (by the phone) to be an actual call. i.e. The 'call' volume slider controls the volume.
Most phones use mono and filtered audio (Certain frequency ranges are cut for better clarity for voice; Bass is cut and above 10k Hz is also cut)
But the main problem is, when joining a voice chat, any other sound is also attenuated to the above conditions making it nearly impossible to play game or audio.
It would be really nice if there was an option to treat it as media output thus allowing us to use discord for playing games on phone.
Side note: PUBG does this nicely.
Thank you.
Why are people down voting this? Really? Atleast comment why. geez
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I think use the media stream is better and necessary, hop to add or give a switch function
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People are down voting this for some reason.
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At least 17 people must live in Australia.
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Lol what
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What the hell wrong with those who downvote?
It's a right feature to ask! Not only that Discord is revolving around the idea of streaming now, but it also doesn't support streaming audio for the large market share of mobile games. Oh wait, it cannot stream video on mobile also(0
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