Give server owners (or administrators) the ability to delete the "Nitro Booster" role for their server.
This suggestion is simply a repeat of this suggestion, which hopefully will gain more traction.
My suggestion is very simple.
- Give people that can manage role permissions the ability to delete the Nitro Booster role.
- If the role is deleted, allow server owners to choose whether to create a role for Nitro Boosters. Alternatively, allow server owners to link a role to Nitro Boosters instead (so anyone that boosts the server will get a different role).
For those of you that are not aware.
- If a member of a server boosts a server, Discord automatically generates a role called "Nitro Booster."
- This role cannot be deleted.
The whole purpose of server boosting is to show love for a community. While the overall perks for the server is great, adding a role that cannot be deleted makes it seem like you're less in control of your own server. I understand that bots are able to generate roles that cannot be deleted. However, if you kick the bot, you will be able to remove that role as well.
Agreed. The admins should also be able to hide the booster badge. At the end of the day we are the admins and we should have full control over these things.
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Agreed, I already have a Supporters role we use for donators for our game server(s). I'd like to just assign nitro boosters this role instead of Discord deciding to create its own role that I can't manage or delete.
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I don't think it would be feasible to have a Nitro boost role that can also be manually assigned. Say that someone starts boosting Genesis2001's server (above) and gets the Supporters role for boosting. Then they start supporting the server in a different way and stop boosting the server. Would they then lose the Supporters role?
I feel the best solution would be just having the option to enable or disable the automatic nitro boost role, without being able to link it to another role.
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if we can't delete it, can we still change its name?
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I very much agree with this, I really don't like seeing the role sit there unused, unable to delete it.
I reckon if there is currently a member with the role, you can't delete it. However, if there are no current users who are boosting the server, then it can be deleted. It would be created again for new boosters.
Very similar to the Bot roles1
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