Allow different channel to Nitro boost announcements than welcome messages
Currently you are forced to use same channel to Nitro boost announcements than welcome messages. Allow us to select different channel for the boost announcements.
You need to explain it better if you want people to upvote it... also, did you mean boots instead of "boosts" ?
-29 -
OK. I'm gonna upvote this, I loved it. 6 -
Why haven't more people upvoted this?!
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^ I agree,
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This is a no-brainer. Welcome messages can be VERY spammy depending on server size and server owners may want to separate the two. You'd want the boost message to be public but not necessarily the welcomes (and if both public likely different channels). 9 -
This would be cool yeah but it's been suggested before
3 -
Chromebook people are people too 0 -
Yeah, someone boosting your server should get a bit more recognition than random people flooding in. I was kind of surprised this wasn't already an option. Definitely would like to be able to have server boosts be shown in the announcements channel.
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This definitely needs to be a thing tbh
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somebody spam discord on Twitter with this post so they implement it
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how do I make a boosts go into a separate channel then?
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i suppose there is no solution yet?
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Bums lmao
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I currently use a bot to register joins and discord server settings to post boosts as a workaround. In case anyone is interested, I used MEE6's welcome logs.
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That's besides the point Cloudless and everyone knows there are bots that do that.
0 -
i know a channel that does this ( maybe ask one of the moderators?
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GhostieSpook, newer users may be unaware of bots that record joins.
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This should be a feature yet we are still waiting… So sad
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