My account has been falsely disabled.


124 commentaires

  • Óscar

    What happens is that
    You have joined multiple servers
    And sent multiple messages at the same time
    Discord detects you as a spam user   

  • Óscar

    Maybe talking to the Discord staff will help you

  • Ivysaur

    I’ve already sent it, and they said they will ‘Not be reinstating my account’. Ugh. I had so much on there...

  • Ayouboto

    My account got disabled cause of this too , discord ban everyone for no reason they should ban only raiders and not everyone on the server poor guys , i really feel ur feelings u just had to creat another account they won't reply at you again welp that's all what 'm gonna say i losed my acc of 1 year nitro gamming and lot of stuff there and the worst i can't get back my ownership even if i gived them whole proof i don't know why discord is doin' to us like that they are doing a wrong things and i hope they fix it , cause probably were not famous and they don't give to us nothing that's why and we can't go and talk that's the sad truth about discord i hope one day someone talk for us .

  • They've disabled my real account (John_the_Hobo#7913) saying that I sent treats and harassed people but they wont't give me any evidence of when or what I said that would have got me disabled and I've read over the TOS/Community Guidelines and I have not violated any of them but they will only say I did while not giving evidence

  • ٴ ItIshAkari(¬_¬)ノ!ٴ

    Yeah my acct got disabled for no reason what so ever when I wasn’t in a group of people raiding. I was simply a bystander and when I appealed they denied it saying I broke tos for raiding. Like tf.. I’ve been on that acct for 4 years only to have it termed and lose business partners and friends ffs.. like stop terming people who arnt doing anything wrong.

  • ٴ ItIshAkari(¬_¬)ノ!ٴ

    I said I could have possibly been token grabbed cause I did download a few exe’s from some friends but with that idk since you guys are also responding here.

  • Toggled

    My account was disabled for a reason I haven't done. I wouldn't participate in a raid. Because I think it's wrong and I wouldn't just so it. I might have been token grabbed idk because I downloaded some .bat/.exe files from a random discord server. If I could get my account undisabled I would very appreciate it.

  • _c

    I too was disabled for no reason, i've been told that some people may have acted as if I did it when I was probably offline at the time. I really want my account back as I have a bunch of stuff i need to keep

  • Toggled

    See I don't even focused on discord servers all I do is vc friends and play games. I wouldn't harm another person discord server.

  • ٴ ItIshAkari(¬_¬)ノ!ٴ

    Make sure to hit the up arrow or likes on these when submitting so we can get these up to discord!!!

  • †xTqzrr†ᴱᴼ

    I met many Ppl Like under age, spammers, ddoser and what discord do? Term ppl that didn't do nothing are you serious? The system is bad also staff in discord is bad so please stop banning random ppl.

  • Nick ツ

    Same, I've  been banned 3 times now for the same reason like i haven't learnt my lesson the first time. Every 3-4 months i'd say i get disabled for the same reason, I've contact support many times but they give me the same response every time.

  • ٴ ItIshAkari(¬_¬)ノ!ٴ

    The best thing is when we send appeals they don’t give us reasons why! They just term like wtf is this bs. Like I want my acct back because this is annoying when it’s discords fault and in 12 days all my stuffs gonna me erased and I’m sure they arnt gonna break “tos” to get our accts back either

  • Beatrice ▽

    Hello there,

    I'm so sorry to hear that. However, you cannot get support here, you can send your support ticket to the Trust & Safety team at

    Or you can directly contact via e-mail

    Best Regards,

  • Pe_Ing

    I got hit by disabled for harassment too. No evidence, always get spammed by Clyde bot, and I used online appeal, support email, and abuse email. All to just get Clyde bot four times so far. When will I get a real person to help me. By the way I just checked ad this Beatrice user is also a bot. Checked the user's message history and it's literally copy and paste messages. Does Discord not have a human staff anymore?

  • ! !

    Hi discord, i got banned by the same way i dont understand why i cant get my banned, since i did not participate or raid any servers or used bots or anything, discord please thats my account with nitro in it i just cant lose my account i really need it.

  • Mammon, Avatar of Greed

    I was banned for the same reason as well. All I did was organize a google meet to chat with some friends in and outside of discord at the same time. I've had business partners on that account and i cant afford to lose them.

  • Mammon, Avatar of Greed

    Discord has disabled your account for violating our Terms of Service or Community Guidelines. We’ve reviewed and confirmed this violation, and we will not reinstate your account.

    You should've received an email with more information regarding this violation. If you have any questions as to what behavior resulted in your account being disabled, please refer to that email.

    Discord Trust & Safety

    thats what discord sent me.

  • Dricon

    I was disabled without a warning of my deeds. As someone who likes to send imagery, sharing and show arts I enjoy, I’ve been accused for promoting lolicon. I didn’t know anime would have me disabled, and they don’t even warn me of my actions. Instead, I’m instantly banned without being given a chance.

    ”We will not reinstate your account”. At least give me a chance, I’ve had that acc since 2014! And not even once have I been warned. The discord support and staff team really don’t care. I don’t even know what source of imagery that got me banned, so I just assume it has been one of the arts I shared. :/

  • xo-_-snagonme

    so discord said i have comited cyber bulling and haresment witch i didint and i said i apoligize for what i did but i didint do it so they come back with this 


    Discord has disabled your account for violating our Terms of Service or Community Guidelines. We’ve reviewed and confirmed this violation, and we will not reinstate your account.

    You should've received an email with more information regarding this violation. If you have any questions as to what behavior resulted in your account being disabled, please refer to that email.

    Discord Trust & Safety" and im like bruh what are you talking about i didint do nothing

  • Simply

    My account also was false banned today while i was using it at first i was log out then ive put code from my phone and the was everything fine but after few minutes i was once more log out and then this bulshit message pop out.Somebody can help i dont wanna lose it (Simply#0866)

  • MidnightTea

    My account was hacked into then banned for spam/abusing platform at the time of happening i was asleep. Discord refuses to take any action and all they do is send automated messages. I'm about to lose friends that i consider family because they refuse to put me through TO AN ACTUAL HUMAN. My banned account is MidnightTea#3898 and from what ive seen discord lets accounts who have supported them since the beginning fall through the cracks without helping at all. Ridiculous

  • dxnnyzz

    my account dxnnyzz#1644 got randomly disabled and i kept emailing support and why I even got banned. Every time they replyed to my emails it was the same automated bot reply that just said I broke TOS and they wouldnt bring back my account. Im going to keep emailing but if someone can help, please tell me how i can get in contact with a real human staff member.

  • crim*

    Discord randomly disables accounts, especially people who haven’t done anything wrong. It’s all out of nowhere and they give us no warnings about it.

    Every email respond they give us is automated and don’t show proof of what TOS we broke, it’s completely ridiculous. With such a big name and platform i’m surprised Discord isn’t putting such time and focus into making they’re users satisfied. They even disable our accounts over the dumbest things. For example, punishing those who are currently in a discord sever that broke TOS. Some of these users might’ve not even spoke in chat and got punished for it. It shouldn’t be the users, but the owners of the Discord server. Why should everyone get blamed and punished when it’s one person’s fault, that one person should take responsibility for their own actions.

    My account got disabled out of the blue when I tabbed out of my Valorant match. I checked my email and they said I was “harassing an individual or community”. This was complete BS because for the past few months I’ve been in the same discord server, with the same people. I knew all of these people in real life. This “harassment” was such a false statement. I might’ve joked around with my friends , but no serious harm was done.

    Unless Discord shows proof of this “harassment” then I should get my account reinstated. They need to have things to backup their statements, can’t just ban people who they think did wrong. They have all the power on this platform, at least be fair with us and show us the proof we want.

    I’m not trying to be rude, but Discord needs to step up their game. Be more professional about handling these punishments.

  • crim*

    Press the up-arrow on my previous comment, so there is a chance human Discord staff see it.

  • Nong_Ing

    You know at this point it is pretty much confirm that Discord is run by bots. Twitter is a bot, customer service is a bot, the admin messages here are all bots, everything is a bot. Even if the guy who made this service was unable to continue, the bots will keep everything running. Who knows, Discord might eventually become that SkyNet from the Terminator movies.

    But in all honesty you all should just make backups and stuff. There are no actual humans running this thing.

  • Dricon

    Yeah, already had to do it, since they'd delete the account either way. Why even bother with a potential chance to retrieve it, if bots are just gonna say no to everything? No warning, no nothing. They are just bots now, passively earning money as they do zero things about the community. It's actually frightening how easy it is to be banned(deleted). They don't care to get more proof or anything, or even warn people for the danger they barely caused.

  • CanalXc

    My got got falselly banned too for creating alts to avoid ban (roliuu#1974 is this disabled account), I was on server where someone was creating alt getting banned and creating new alt. I think that mods on that server reported other people "for safety" too. I got falsely reported by this server's mods and I wrote twice to discord with details appealing about it and I just get message starting with: "Your account was disabled for violating..." and it meant that they don't have any proof but I can do nothing about my account being disabled and after 7 more days - removed.

  • SCP173 (Nabhan H.)

    My account too got disabled for "spamming" even though there I never spammed in any servers. They falsely blamed me for violating ... I do want to say though, when you sign up to discord for the first time, create a second account with same properties as your first one. This is because if one of your accounts are disabled by Discord's safety team, it is most likely saying that this account will be removed from discord. If any of your accounts say your account has been disabled ... it means that you lost everything on your account and it will be removed. My account was SCP173#1379


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