Text Size
With the recent update on 9/9/19 I'm not a very big fan of the changes, I liked the original way where it was well more smaller and compact and I just feel like there should be an option for all users to make the text or whatever the original size which to me is more fitted and compact. It just feels like it is more fair of users are able to choose which text size or just the update in general, for me I like it small and compact, others may feel the same way as I do or they just don't. I don't blame you but I do believe it is more fair of we are able to choose to have the original layout before the update and or just keep it as how it is currently. I personally am not a fan of big words, different layouts and all. I've always liked how Discord was before this update and it just to me (and or others) it just feels completely different, not like the old Discord I've knew since I got it and just well its not how I feel like its supposed to be, I'm more used to the smaller text and everything before the update and I've never had a problem until this update. And it would be considerate for some users to have the option in the app to be allowed to change everything for a user to have the original size and stuff back and or for others who are fine with how it is (update) they can just leave it as it is.
U can already choose the size of ur texts in settings>appearance>accessibility. I hoped this helped
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