New Nitro Perks ($9.99 tier) to make up for the departure of Nitro Games Collection


11 commentaires

  • index.ts
    I think that instead of getting a new badge, it should change the color of the existing blue badge to gold.
  • ominouscry

    Updated the post with your suggestion, Pizza!

  • shard
    These are really cool ideas for new Nitro perks.
  • tentian

    I'll just piggyback off this post to leave a suggestion:

    Nitro ($9.99) - Can boost up to 2 servers

    Nitro Classic ($4.99) - Can boost 1 server

    Seriously, bring server boosting to Nitro Classic.

    I think Discord would get plenty of new Nitro users if they did that.

  • Jovian

    I would love more perks to Nitro boosting specifically, I wish we could have longer names in servers that get boosted just like how boosting gives more emoji slots.  (or really I'm just bummed I can't call myself Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker, but I digress)

  • ProtoDelta

    I would love to see this happening, even though I don't really use nitro.

  • purpzie

    I personally don't support the extra viewer slots for live streams, because if that was to be changed it should be changed for everyone, not just nitro users. I like the other stuff though :D

  • 3obbyKhan

    It would be nice if the $9.99 subscription gave your personal discord server an automatic boost to level 1 and also allowed you to boost a single server that isn't your own. 

  • Kyria

    Please allow for multiple boosts per server and/or multiple server boosts. I would love to be able to give 3 boosts to my favorite server, and I'm sure there are others who have 3 servers they would love to give 1 boost.


    Other suggestions:

    Add a facecam overlay option for Nitro Go Live users.

    Add video channels for boosted servers so I can video chat with my peeps while having bots be able to annoy the hell out of them :)

  • Mσσn👑

    considering you're using an age to insult me makes you seem pretty immature yourself. Gifs are not a horrible format, I'm sure if they were discord wouldn't have any animated server gifs due to it being such a "horrible format". I'm not taking someones word who's literally named Fonzy420. You're childish.

  • Mσσn👑

    discord suggestions/feedback are not here to have arguments, if you don't think it's a good idea that's all you need to say.

    Notice how you quoted me on "I don't feel like listing" ? yes that is because i did not come here to bash other suggestions and list why they were bad, I came here to give a suggestion. So you should ask yourself if you're the 9 year old. 


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