Fake profile for hack roblox profile
I opened discord and i see that Adopt Me! send message that i won a dragon and need add someone (he created fake website see his message (im from russian and my english so bad)) (
Adopt Me!Вчера, в 20:32
Congrats You were selected as the winner of the Merry Christmas event! You get MFR Shadow, immediately add my account and join Adopt Me get the prize! Link Profile : https://www-robloox.com/users/754323666/profile
T1TS is one of the millions playing, creating and exploring the endless possibilities of Roblox. Join T1TS on Roblox and explore together! follow my roblox to join me haha)
To report a user please go trough the support page, you can find a guide on how to copy messages links here :https://support.discord.com/hc/ru/articles/360000291932-How-to-Properly-Report-Issues-to-Trust-Safety
Once you have the message link go trough the report page found here : https://dis.gd/report0 -
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