Boost server - It's a robbery


20 commentaires


    for sure! this is a big nasty problem.


    Developers need to think about it.


  • Ragnarr Lodbrok

    I agree that this is a big problem. It is necessary to solve it.

  • almostsuspense
    it'll loose the goal of server boosting tbh
  • 7erj1

    Suspense, and how does it lose goal? If people want to pay for server improvement once a time (they are ready to invest as much as they can). They do not want to do this every time. This is not Patreon, Discord besides the servers themselves, also has a paid subscription to games, etc. (where the profit from the purchase would seem obvious), but here (in voice communication service) I do not see it. This is pure robbery. If you want to adequately sell such things, enter the regional prices and the server’s binding to a certain region (with prices corresponding to it), then there will be no questions.

  • almostsuspense

    Just purchase a nitro subscription then boost your server? what's the problem? if you keep your boosts, the server won't loose them   

  • AJIexander

    After the subscription expires, the boost will disappear!

  • almostsuspense

    yes? seems logic

  • AJIexander

    Would you pay with a salary of $ 200 a subscription of $ 10 a month wise guy?

  • Gwynbleidd

    I agree.

  • Jurgen

    I have a clan. We switched to a discord not so long ago, and I liked it. But I was not ready to pay $ 10 a month, it was money thrown out for some kind of animated gif. But at some point, I noticed, if everyone boosts a channel, permanent icons will open and possibly a link for the channel. I was ready to make 50 boosts, for the sake of these small but beautiful little things. But paying every month is robbery. To spend $ 500 per link and still pay $ 10 each month to save this boosts, I did not like it. Maybe this is beneficial for stream channels, but not for small clans, for which, it seems to me, a discord was originally created. 

    But to pay a subscription, I'm not ready. I support the topic.

  • Brick (\/)_0_o_(\/)

    this is a significant problem for players

  • MrSparkle

    I think Level 1 should be 1 boost. Level 2 should be 2 boost. 

    I think the price justifies when you compare things like teamspeak etc.

    For a server banner and gif image I think £10 is alot of money as it is. Considering to get that now it costs £20 a month for 2 of you...

  • MrSparkle

    I think Level 1 should be 1 boost. Level 2 should be 2 boost. 

    I think the price justifies when you compare things like teamspeak etc.

    For a server gif image I think £20 is alot of money as it is. Considering to get a banner now it costs 10 of you a month.

  • almostsuspense

    nitro boost is a facultative option remember that

  • Jurgen

    $ 100 per month for the opportunity to publish your photo on the server, thanks for this opportunity, guys. If I see the developers in the yard, I will call the guys with beats on BMW to discuss this topic again.

  • Rafkin

    Great deal!

  • Lemurhino

    Why? You don't need to have a banner to have a functioning server.

  • AJIexander

    Why are they ignoring us?


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