Unban my account


86 commentaires

  • Cocam123


    first of all you are not on the right site to report this.

    Indeed, this site is only for feedback or ideas.

    In addition, if you have not complied with the TOS or Guideline Discord and your account is banned, the Trust and Safety team will not reconsider their decision (unless you have not done what is stated on your ban).

    If you haven't done anything to be banned, you can contact the team here :



    I got banned for unknown reason how do I get unbanned from the server you will be a link


  • iwant_toast🍞-_-

    Um I got banned on a sever for sending an invite for another server by accident I actually didn't mean to it was supposed to be on one of my friend's sever. Can I please get unbanned?? 

    https://discordapp.com/invite/DFWu7mF that's the server

  • 0000000

    can you plaze get some one  to get unbanned from the sever

    https://t.co/dReWpvIasT?amp=1 plze

  • Dofender

    Can you unban Dofender#5208 please it was a mistake


    Hello, there are 5 minutes I just made me ban my account for data leak while the number sent was my phone number that I send for my friends I am sorry that have put the report the person who did that is to mislead in my intentions especially that I wanted to put nitro therefore I do not know if it is possible but a deban I would not do it again data my number if it is prohibited m'y Gmail is shitanooda@gmail.com please unban me


    Hello, there are 5 minutes I just made me ban my account for data leak while the number sent was my phone number that I send for my friends I am sorry that have put the report the person who did that is to mislead in my intentions especially that I wanted to put nitro therefore I do not know if it is possible but a deban I would not do it again data my number if it is prohibited m'y Gmail is shitanooda@gmail.com please unban me

  • NewAnimeErickMii

    I Acted really bad and i got banned forever from mm8bdm unofficial, i want to say im sorry and unban me please.

  • NewAnimeErickMii

    heres the link, i want to apologize and unban me please https://discord.gg/rkabWm2 

  • FlixS

    Can unban my account Quit#5856 please it was a mistake. here the account imezz8424@gmail.com



    Can you unban my account on dyno and moons anime hideout Tiko#1315 please i did mean to do it 


  • 31080

    Bonjour le compte de mon ami ces fait ban
    C'est tes une personne qui lui a ban son compte
    Je ne sais pas pourquoi il a ban mais vous pouvez le deban SVP

  • Cocam123

    Bonjour 31080,


    Comme indiqué il y a 8 mois (avec mon commentaire en Anglais) le compte Discord n'est généralement pas banni par hasard.

    Le motif de ce bannissement est envoyé par mail.


    S'il s'agit d'une erreur l'utilisateur banni peut faire appel au bannissement.

    Pour faire appel, rendez-vous sur ce lien :


    cliquez sur Confiance et Sécurité.

    Sur Type de rapport cliquez sur Faire appel d'une action que l'équipe Confiance et Sécurité a prise sur mon compte puis remplissez les options en fonction de votre cas.


    I was playing paint and guess and it kicked me out for “teaming” but I never teamed and every time I try to join it never lets me in . Please may you check this ban as I had done nothing .My user is:PrincessRaluca2009. I hope u could fix this .

  • I was on a server that has leaderboards with multiple pages, so I was looking on the leaderboards and tried to go to the next page. But all of a sudden it just went like 10 pages over really fast and the leaderboard was glitching out. A minute later my discord said “connecting”, so I tried to log out and log back in. But now it says that I am blocked temporarily for accessing the rate limits frequently. How can I get unblocked and how to fix this?

  • love_lana123

    I got banned from this server https://discord.gg/ExctY8bY  and it was an accident and I need to apologise and leave my problems behind. please tell me how to get unbanned?

  • HeyItsTrev

    I got banned from this server https://discord.com/invite/aB82mg8,  I accidently sent an invite to the wrong server and I got instantly banned. Please I would like to get unbanned

  • Dhananjay

    Hello Discord Team Please unbann my account: Faddy#7777 i have been accused for fraudlent charges i wasn't  intending to scam anyone i just tried my friend's card with his permission i have all the required proofs,  i have so many contacts and files shared in DM of my friends which is important please unbann me else i will be in a problem 


  • オオアラシ_Unlimited

    Dear discord
     pls can you un ban me i dont repeat spam i just want to get member i dont do this please unban my acount kiaazimi2@gmail.com this is my email i sayd my words thank you and this is my id !∞ SPY kia YT∞#2021

  • InsaneSonic

    I got banned from the srb2 discord https://discord.gg/pYDXzpX from random server invites but I didn't mean to do it and I don't know the discord rules. I want to be unbanned. InsaneSonic#2252

  • Antonis

    "Dear Discord,
    My account has been disabled on discord. I wasent aware of the fact I was doing something wrong. I will never repeat my mistake again. I now understand the rules. Thank you for informing me, so I basically wanted to say kindly, can you please unban my account?

    From XxAntonis22xXYT


  • BlackMaster

    Dear Discord staff.

    My account has been disabled on discord. I do not know the reason i get banned from discord. But now i already know. I will obey discord rule. Can you unban my account?

    My discord account is BossKiller.

    Thank you. Regard

  • BluAiney

    Dear Discord Staff,

    At 10:46pm EST, my account was banned for being claimed as a furry? It's absurd because I'm not a furry. I barely speak in the server. I just look what people say or post within the server. That's the reason I was banned. It's also crazy how being a furry is a permanent ban on the server as well. But that's just my opinion. I was requesting a ban repeal for this server. Please?

    My account: BluAiney#2564

    Server: http://discord.gg/VPQM9KQ

  • luently

    the reason why me and my friend started teaming is because other people were teaming in the game for example if the category was house they would barely draw something and the person would automatically get it right. so me and my friend took action. We barely drew anything  and we would get it right we accidently got out of hand we are sorry it will never happen again.

    username: Deanna_gamer227


  • patrikos

    Hi discord,

    I got banned for unknown reason... please unban my account cerny Patrik #7624


  • ! zαyed

    Dear Discord,

    My Account has been disabled On discord,I wasn't aware of the fact that my doing was wrong.

    I won't repeat my mistake again. Please unban my account. 




    ! zαyed#1971

  • 'SixtySix6

    I got banned from the dank memer community due to unregulated trade issue. Even though I didn't trade at all. Pls unban me

  • 死にゃーさん

    pls unbanned me from animesoul I promise I wont do it again it was just an accident

  • ziggy

    Hi discord my account got ban for spamming peoples dm pls unban I won't spam agin pls I spend 100 dollars on my original discord account name is
    Pls unban give me last chance my email is madhavbmahid@gmail.com

  • Keanu Reefs

    To anyone facing this issue, being banned unfairly or without proper investigation, Discord support are going to ignore you and treat you like trash. It doesn't matter how much money you spent, how much you supported Discord or whether you ACTUALLY broke any of the terms/guidelines. You are, at this point, nothing to them.

    Check out Jason's Twitter, he's the CEO of Discord, make sure to write him a tweet letting him know how HIS support team are treating you.


    You don't deserve to be treated like this by a company such as Discord, they are the issue here.


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