Nitro Boost Perk suggestion: Animated Emojis for everyone!
Animated emojis are sadly collecting dust. While they can show a lot more expressions than still emojis, they are only exclusive to nitro users. Servers are discouraged to add new custom animated emojis because most users can't use it in the first place. At the same time, nitro boosting can always be more appealing to members of a server if they and their server mates benefit from it. That's where the animated emojis come in handy:
Animated emojis for everyone!
As a Nitro boost perk, everyone can use the server's animated emojis in the chat.
By unlocking animated emojis for everyone as a lvl 2/3 perk, boosting the server is even more appealing. All members would be able to use the custom animated Emojis on the boosted server (just like regular custom Emojis). A lot of users would love to use animated emojis and, as a boost perk, more people would be ready to support their favorite servers by boosting them.
Please consider this request! Making animated emojis available as a server boost perk would make server boosting and adding animated emojis a lot more appealing and more people can enjoy more ways to express themselves.
Yes please. We very much need this feature to be added!
4 -
yis pleeeeas
3 -
It's definitely a good idea! I hope Discord notices it
2 -
It should be a thing really. Having to use the default emojis in a server without nitro really bugs me, so this feature would be a great idea! However, in my opinion, I don't think reaching level 2 or 3 would be a good idea to unlock this perk. Instead, it could be for level 1. I think this because that emojis aren't really that big of a thing, so it should be unlocked in level 1 to get that out of the way. Other than all of that, it's a great idea and should be added to Discord Server Boosting system.
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I thought that lvl 2 or 3 instead of lvl 1 is because I also take this idea from a buisness standpoint. If it was a perk on lvl 1, then you would only need one nitro subscription to unlock one of the main nitro perks for a lot of people. People might lose the incentive to buy a nitro subsciption and Discord may end up losing profit that way, hence why i suggested a safer choice for their buisness, aka lvl 2 or 3.
Having all the features is always hella dope but we need to remember that discord is a buisness, too.
3 -
Yea I thinks that's a great idea but I think it should be 3/3 level
-4 -
Yes daddy
-1 -
I agree so heavily on this please <3
0 -
Agreed this is a good idea
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You brought up a very good point, that the animated emojis are barely used. I think discord should really use this, and, they could probably make the animated emojis for everyone!
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