Android 11 Chat Bubbles
Discord Dev Team,
With the next version of Android coming sometimes this year; it has been confirmed that Android 11 will have its own built in chat bubbles setting for application developers. It will be a separate setting within apps that users will be able to enable or disable. Facebook already plans on removing its built in function and migrating Facebook Messenger to Android 11's chat bubbles function. From a user standpoint, the Adoption of Android 11 will be slow and progressively take years for other OEM's to adopt to their new devices. Because of this limited use case I could understand the lack of interest in Android 11's chat bubbles function feature to come. However, as a user, the only thing honestly preventing me from making a full switch to Discord is the face that Facebook Messenger has chat bubbles as a feature. The convenience of that function is what makes Facebook a long standing competitor in the messaging platform market. I would love to see Discord take full advantage of Android 11's chat bubbles feature and provide it as an option to those capable of at least testing it on the limited starting devices that will receive Android 11.
Being a user of Discord, I could see this functionality working in one of two ways. Discord could provide a bubbles feature that connects a user to discord user and you could select your server from there, however, the problem with this would be that a user would still just essentially be able to open the app and get the same end results. The way I would like to see this feature implemented would be to select a server and a channel within that server to keep a chat active and alive, or you select a direct message to a user. I can also see the amount of development issue that would need to go behind this as well. A redirect to a specific channel that could be one of 50 in a discord server on top of being able to redirect the user to the right discord server.
While both of those options are viable and possible the time it would take to develop them might be more annoying. I thought of a separate way this could be done conceptually and I am not sure how it would work. Instead why not implement a new setting that could functionally be seen in the settings menu of the app but will only work on Android 11 devices that warns users it only functions on Android 11 and forward. From that settings menu you could enable an option that lets you pick the user or channel in a server that you want to save. Then when chat bubbles flipped on the app will pull from those saved contacts and channels as the menu slice for chat bubbles. So only a portion of the app within the setting is used.
With this feature enabled a user could select 1 of 5 saved contacts. Then to promote Nitro you make it so that a user can save more server channels or contacts if they pay for Nitro.
Bubbles would make keeping up with numerous conversations a lot easier! +1 for this.
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Upgrading to Android 11 now and I would LOVE to see Discord work with the chat bubbles. Would make communication while playing mobile MMOs like Eve Echoes much much easier.
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Discord chat bubbles would be cool, just like you said it's the only thing keeping me from migrating to discord, and android 11 just released so hopefully app developers will be able to implement this feature. +1
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Agreed. +1
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Big +1
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"With this feature enabled a user could select 1 of 5 saved contacts. Then to promote Nitro you make it so that a user can save more server channels or contacts if they pay for Nitro."
No. Just let us save as many servers as we want no matter if we have nitro or not.
Apart from that, there are rumors that google will make a Chat Buble API, and Android 11 custom ROMs have already started popping up.
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There aren't just rumors, and you don't need a custom ROM; it's live in the official builds of Android 11 that are available on many phones.
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I do hope they implement this. This would be a nice feature. It would make discord chat much more convenient on mobile.
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Just upgraded to Android 11 beta on OnePlus 7 Pro. Would love to see this app implemented into bubbles as well. Would be a very nice addition and would honestly make me use Discord more often.
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Bubbles are turned on for DM's as far as I am aware. At least, the settings are there in the notification section on my Pixel 4 XL.
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That setting doesn't indicate that the app actually supports bubbles. (I think it appears for any app that at least partially supports conversation features, but not sure.) Discord does not actually support them yet. And I'm also on a Pixel, so it's not an OEM thing.
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There is a different dialogue for apps that do not support "conversation features"
Here's some screenshots I just took. No bubbled DMs to show at the moment lol
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Yes, I know. Discord supports some conversation features, but not bubbles. Conversation features are not an all-or-nothing thing. You can read more about it in the documentation, but there are a number of scenarios where the bubble button is not offered (i.e. a number of scenarios in which the developer has not implemented them).
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I only ever referred to DMs as having the bubbling functionality available. I did not see it mentioned earlier in the thread and wanted to point it out. The devs are clearly working on this feature and may expand it to servers. This is just one use of the feature that OP had pointed out they would like to see and I wanted to call attention to it.
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But DMs don't have bubbling available; that's my point. The setting to disable them being present doesn't mean the feature is actually supported by the app; I'm fairly certain that all apps which have support for any conversation feature have that setting, even if they don't actually support bubbles. That's at least the case for every app I've checked.
The devs are not "clearly" working on the feature, though they may be, because the setting's presence doesn't seem to indicate anything about actual bubble support.
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I see that people are talking above about Discord having the ability to set conversations as priority, but I had to reinstall Discord recently and I don't seem to have that option anymore. When I click on a notification to set a conversation as priority, I just get some text saying "Discord doesn't support conversation features".
I've tried reinstalling Discord again and restarting my phone, and neither of those seem to have worked.
ETA: I don't know what happened, but after I stopped thinking about the issue for a while the option came back!
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Yeah, I think it only works if you get into a conversation with another user, then it kicks in and updates the page
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PLEASE for the love of god add this functionality. Then I can finally ditch messenger all together. 🙏
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bump, would really like this to happen
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Considering this still hasn't happened yet far after the release of 11... Bump, really hope discord stops using my money foolishly and actually implements features EVERYBODY wants.
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Bump, I have started using these and with a few messaging apps now supporting it its great to have all the bubbles in one place no matter which app they are.
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Lots of people use servers to talk to friends (even a few or one friend) rather than DMs, which are a lot more limited. So I would also like to see bubbles for individual text channels in servers. A text channel is basically no different from a big group DM, after all.
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Bump, bubbles are great for messaging apps. Would make me start using Discord on Android.
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Android 11 conversation features have finally been PARTIALLY added, and while bubble options do show up as a result, they do not work properly yet! I'm glad they're seemingly trying to move this forward, but the fact a rather simple task is being dragged on by a company that supposedly used to cater to gamers and tech fields is worrying.
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Bump. This should really be a feature right now
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It's been so long since this was requested we now have Android 12 LOL
"What do we want?"
"When do we want it?"
"A YEAR AGO! But now would be acceptable..."3 -
Still waiting for this feature to be implemented. It would be beyond convenient and I'm honestly shocked that such a huge platform like Discord didn't jump on this asap.
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Bump, this is a feature that should have been added even before Android 11 added native support.
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