School Hub: Sort servers by number of members who are from your school
My school's hub has a couple of public servers with several hundred or thousand members in them that are completely unaffiliated with the school. It feels a bit odd and a bit unfair that some Discord server devoted to a random game should be above my school's clubs, organizations, and any other server specifically focused on students. Neither those servers nor >99% of their members have anything to do with my school, but they will always have higher priority than my school's servers because of a metric that is irrelevant to my school.
To fix this, you could (and I think should) sort the servers in a hub by the number of members in those servers who are also members of that hub. If a server has 5,000 members but only 10 of them are part of my school's hub, then it should be placed well below my school's student organization servers with ~200 members or so who are all from my school. This will provide a much clearer view of which servers are popular at your school.
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