

8 commentaires


    i got hacked too yesterday.. and i deleted all the servers i was into and im very close to Delete my account becouse there is no secure in this crap if the 2fact as you said did not block then is useless time to find something else to use becouse i had enouth with Bots sending msg to you and now top of the cake getting hacked.. good thing i have been thinking to delete my account long time becouse i dont really use discord as much as i hoped to but again Broken secure safe place is the worse place to be.. thanks support you took my choice.. closer to delete 

    But i never did use my creditcard in discord .. But i feel sorry for you Covkid99 since you must order new credit card and such.. 

  • sxoul

    Same thng here but i deleted my acc and i kinda rlly want it back bc it was very clean i have signed up in the year 2018 and my Tag was #6902 which i preety much loved sooo thats pain. but i feel bad for you tooo Covkid99 hopefully evrything will be fine.

  • BH33149

    I am being hacked by joining 18+ servers while not on the app

  • Brandon

    Click forgot password and change it it will log that person out. It happened to me and my account got flagged again after it got removed. You gotta get it back and stop him/her

  • Vaniericy

    I got hacked today, charged all my money from my debit card buying nitros for random people. I can't in my discord account anymore as they removed and changed my 2FA authentication. I'm not sure what to do now.

  • Vaniericy submit a ticket for support But i would delete my account if i was you or remove your debit card from it and never use that or if you wanna have a card then just attach a pre-payed once not your daily usage card for your own safe.. I did delete my account now becouse i notice Discord does not track who logs in that's why 2 fact is waste becouse is not setup correctly for it. is nothing you can do about that, but discord need to change that but i think they dont know how so they did it as they tut it was correct.. 

    reason i say they dont track who is log in, exemple Google does has that when someone else than you or you log in with new device you getting mail about someone logged in.. but Discord does not have that... even is not make you more safe but atleast if is not too long time since you got that notify you can have a chance to change your password.. But also when you change your password do not use simple Letters and numbers only.. i use this site passwordsgenerator.net that helps you do make more safe password or you get idea how your password should look like.. 


    My account got hacked yesterday. They didn't charge money though, but instead the hacker told me to change my email, so now I'm unable to log back into my account unless the email is changed back.

    I've filed a report, but how long does it take til my account gets recovered? Hopefully not full month

  • Eira

    Yeah my account was compromised last month. I fell for one of those “I accidentally mass reported you” scams & the scammer made me change my email to a burner. I changed my password & I have 2FA enabled (I have it tied to Authy), and thankfully they haven't gotten in (and my friends have told me my account's just been offline & they've received no weird messages).

    My account is still compromised though. I sent in maybe three tickets to Discord? And they keep marking them as solved even though they haven't done anything. I finally reopened the one with the most evidence of what happened & I seriously hope an actual person gets back to me & I don't just get another bot response.


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