Forum Tags - Union and Intersection Filtering Option
When selecting two tags in a forum, it will currently give you all available posts that match either tag (union).
For our speedrunning server we want the selection of multiple tags to give you only the posts that contain all selected tags (intersection).
I understand that filtering tags based on union/intersection is useful for different situations (links below). Can you provide an admin option to select which tag filtering method we prefer?
Maybe put a checkbox under Forum Settings > Overview > Tags > "Selecting multiple tags gives you the intersection of posts" (see picture example)
Usecase example:
Our Portal 1 speedrunning server wants to use forums to organise discussions of new strategies. We want each post to tag a level and the category the post is relevant for. You can then decide to filter posts based on level, category or both.
Available forum posts:
Post 1 - Tags: Inbounds, Ch04-05
Post 2 - Tags: OoB, Ch04-05
Post 3 - Tags: Inbounds, Ch04-05
Post 4 - Tags: Inbounds, Ch10
Post 5 - Tags: Glitchless, Ch02-03
Selecting tags <Ch04-05> gives the following posts:
Post 1 - Tags: Inbounds, Ch04-05
Post 2 - Tags: OoB, Ch04-05
Post 3 - Tags: Inbounds, Ch04-05
Selecting tags <Ch04-05, Inbounds> gives the following posts:
Post 1 - Tags: Inbounds, Ch04-05
Post 2 - Tags: OoB, Ch04-05
Post 3 - Tags: Inbounds, Ch04-05
Post 4 - Tags: Inbounds, Ch10
However, we want <Ch04-05, Inbounds> to give the following:
Post 1 - Tags: Inbounds, Ch04-05
Post 3 - Tags: Inbounds, Ch04-05
Related Tag Posts that talk about the advantage of Union Tags
When forum channel first came out, I remember the forum tags work that way, I was able to filter posts with multiple tags. When did that change? I also sent a complaint to Discord earlier but they just sent me here and asks me to upvote.
6 -
I tested this a month ago to check if I could use it.
Now I build a forum under the assumption tag filters would still be intersecting to find out that they are not. :(6 -
God yes.
4 -
I have a" Veggies" Tag
I have a "Fruits" Tag
I have a "Free" Tag
I have a "Bio" TagI want to find the free Bio Banana.
I will have all the Fruits + all the Free things and + the bio things.
Do you see the problem? Filter Tags are useful if they permit to fine the choice.
We need the banana that have the 3 tags on it.
Please Fix that asap.3 -
More than 1 year… we are waiting too much for that…
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Also trying to set up a forum channel for our server. The tags are nearly useless the way they are now. We need this change asap.
Also, while you're at it. Tags should be included when you type in the search bar.
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I hope discord is already working on this problem.
There ist no useful usecase for Tags currently.
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please 🥺
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yes please I need this so bad
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Also made a posts that includes this but also talks about things like searching and more:
Appreciate any upvotes there
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Hope they will notice this (let's be honest, they have feedback forums just because they are company, not because they want to improve the app).
Forums are useless now, especially when you want to organize content using more than one tag..
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we are replacing Discord Forum by
Impressive filter and sorting features.0 -
This change needs to be done, some option with the intersection mentioned or some kind hierarchy between tags (more complex since each tag needs to know his parent) to make forums actually useful.
I really don't wanna send my community outside of Discord if possible.
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