Support not responding


14 commenti

  • Nax

    Customer support teams can often receive a high volume of inquiries and may take some time to get back to everyone.

  • Lynnux


    Discord support tickets can take a while, usualy around 24-48 hours.
    This is mostly due to high amount of tickets and Discord support agents arent realy managed by discord, they are managed by a third-party. So i would just say wait a little.

    P.S. Know that the more emails/tickets you spam, the more time it will take for them to reply, I do recommend sending another email/ticket if they don't respond within 2 weeks.
    P.S.S Explain your issue in detail with supporting material like screenshots to enable the team to understand your problem.

    ~ Lynnux

  • LV Plays

    How long should I try waiting for discord support? I've been waiting for a month. I got a response 2 days after i made the ticket but nothing from then and that response didnt even solve my issue smh.

  • You-gi-5ds

    I waited for 6 days, 2 days ago i got an email. Still my account disabled. I also had nitro. My money is wasted now ty

  • Sarthehighwaypatrol

    My main account was compromised last week by one of those “download this game I created” scams. I ended up being able to secure my account before it got disabled. Now, every ticket I create from that account gets solved within a couple of hours without any response from discord. When I create a ticket on this account, I'll get an actual human that'll talk to me, but of course they can't do anything because of their whole privacy policy thing. The privacy policy thing is great and all, but they won't even look into it… like it's not even giving awareness to the issue.    

    I am a paying customer with discord paying about $40/month for my nitro and boosts. Now I'm not asking for special treatment or anything, but when you pay for something like that, you expect to get the customer service you pay for. 

  • deniz ercan

    Discord support tickets often have a wait time, typically around 24-48 hours. This delay is primarily because of the high volume of tickets, and it's important to note that Discord support agents are often managed by a third-party, not directly by Discord itself. So, it's advisable to exercise patience and argan yağı wait for a bit if you've submitted a support ticket. They will do their best to address your concerns as soon as possible.



  • Katidoarashi

    I dont understand why just simple things must moving so long! Its so hard just restore account with changing email?! its maximum 5 minutes of working! Its absolutely things i must wait around 48 hours, BUT NOT ALL F@%&$G WEEK!

  • LeandroBra

    As a user, you have the right to expect that service providers respect their own terms of service and regulations, including promptly handling account deletion requests when they've been submitted with the necessary evidence. It's crucial to follow up with Discord's support and escalate the issue if necessary, f size bra ensuring your rights are respected.

  • I have been waiting for 2 months and still haven't received a response. Should I make another ticket? 

  • H A

    Ive waited a week and no response other than 1 bot response. My account got hacked then was used to spam and got banned. Ive had my account for 4 years and had nitro on it and now I think it will get deleted permanently after 2 weeks I believe. Is there anyway I can contact discord on this issue other than a support ticket?

  • Maks

    i got my account disabled for no reason and now my phone number is tied to that disabled account, i cant even remove it, and ive been waiting for 4 months for a response from the support already… i havent seen such terrible support yet

  • Mason

    I tried making a refund ticket, a response saying someone should respond quite soon, and my 5 day refund is about to end, I've made tickets because these guys just keep closing them - can someone please get back to me before I get my lawyer involved, thanks.

  • Yeetdisdude+2


  • #unlockedmindset

    Possible to bring this matter forward to social media?

    Get some publicity on discord support problems?


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