Add a option to disable/hide/remove Voice message button
Recently, Discord has been updated and they released a 'Voice message button' (might be tap to record and send it instantly) on private/group message.
However, This Voice message button cause pretty much annoying inconveience because This button is placed to near the emoji button. It causes very much of click mistake constantly so people is always having worries about sending a voice message accidentally when people use direct message.
So I would like to request the addition of an option to disable/hide/remove the voice message button. This option should be a good option for people who don't want to use this sending voice message.
please add addition of an option to disable/hide/remove the voice message button.
instead of what it is now5 -
The placement of the button being FORCED is purely idiotic. I will NEVER EVER use this feature - why am I forced to have that stupid button on there, nagging for mic permissions every time I accidentally click on it??
What is worse is that let's say I disable voice messages on my server, every role is disabled...EXCEPT THE OWNER - ME! So not only did I waste time turning off this dumb feature which I never asked for (and I am a Nitro sub with an "Early Supporter" badge, btw!) - turning it off only did it for everyone else, not me!!!
And don't get me started on DMs...
What were the devs thinking here? How did this go through QA? It's just so basic that it boggles my mind that someone thought "yeah, everyone will love this" and just forced it...ridiculous...
The feature should be a user toggle!
6 -
please listen to the community discord!!!!!
like you say you do which is clearly pretend!!!2 -
Discord developers please look into this feedback 😭😭
The voice message button is so annoying for mobile users! Add the option to hide the button in settings please
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