A feature request: Screen-sharing in stage channels
The stage channels will be even more useful if you introduce screen-sharing. Stage creators can use this medium to stream live YouTube videos, movies, and music releases.
If there is any delay in streaming or any kind of connectivity issue, the audience can anytime use the Raise to Speak feature to inform the stage moderators about the incurring problem.
This would be a great feature, I actually came here to suggest it. you could have movie nights, programming talks, even lectures!
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exactly, I was trying to host a movie night and realized how stage channels would be for it
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I would like to had screenshare on Stage Channels, for example... i would like to create my own cinema to watch movies or tv shows with my family or friends.
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Stages is almost pointless without this. Please Discord pls
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I agree! I'm part of an educational server that hosts public lectures on a regular basis, and Stages would be perfect for us... except the lecturer can't share their screen to show their powerpoint, so we can't use it after all.
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I was honestly surprised this was not included already. Please add screenshare to this!
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I can add with confidence that the vast majority of discord users, that are not using this forum for suggestions, there are thousands who really want this feature as well. I know that there have been times where I wanted to do some streams/events for VIPs which would have been fun to use Stages, however I end up using the regular Voice Channels for the content streaming/screen sharing.
So at your earliest convenience please integrate the screen sharing compatibility for the Stages. :)9 -
Not only is screen sharing a much-needed feature in stage channels, but also the ability for speakers to show their video and allow participants to turn on their camera as well.
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I love this idea!
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A great way for enjoyment would be movie nights with no leaving pings
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Stage is kinda useless without share screen.
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Not only screenshare, but also video please. I have upcoming seminars in my servers which will be held in stage channels however members face difficulty with paying attention without visual support.
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please please please we need this feature so much!!! especially for educational purposes!!!
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it would be very helpful
full school can be integrated into a discord server0 -
we really need screenshare for the stage
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This is a very much needed feature.
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OMG, please add this. I've been wanting to play guitar and stream games to my community and this would be amazing. I also would love to record live podcasts that my community and watch.
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Just an update for this feature. I think the best bet would be this thread for the same feature which has a lot of upvotes and is currently the second-highest voted feature under the video. I am re-posting the links to co-ordinate this as much as possible because its a GREAT feature lmao
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18 commenti