please keep custom sound packs
also would be cool to be able make custom sound packs
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I totally agree. Maybe not as memey as that might "loose its funny" or whatever.
Some sound packs would be PogU2 -
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keep it plssssssssss
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Yes please keep them!!! maybe add 1 or 2 "serious" alternative soundpacks but please keep the memey ones!! its really nice tbh
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It would be cool to have this like a collection thing, the longer you are on Discord the more soundpacks you get..
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Agreed they're so good and it'd be even cooler if you can make your own too.
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this is definitly something I want Discord to expand upon
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yes please keep them i love them
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Maybe thats not the right way, but kinda could be a nice buying Nitro motivation
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The chaos pack fuels my inner duck
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Pleaseee doe, the lil yachty one sparks joy
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