discord should add a feature that lets server admins see through users webcams and microphones at all times
this is a suggestion from my boy ayray
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pls discord add this my friend ayray is really wanting this added to our server on discord please consider it we are very sad it isnt a feature my mom will hurt you
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hi lonovo
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I, EvaX, humbly submit a toast to Nicholas Alexander for successfully managing to pirate Warcraft III, so that he may play Defense of The Ancients. Congratulations, Nick. Enjoy your DOTA.
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god tier suggestion
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thank you based ayray
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Yes please add
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I would not like this feature added due to privacy reasons. If for some reason this gets added, make a setting for it because i don't want strangers to look at what i'm doing. Maybe i could be talking about something serious away from my keyboard and a mod could just sweep in and get as much info as possible. This is of course an opinion.
My only concern is that anyone with trust can just look at my own privacy. It's like looking at a friend while hes taking a dump. Not something i want.1 -
Better if it not be added because i dont want for admins look at me and see what im doing lol
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