Integrate functions to support the plural community on Discord
At the moment, plural systems on discord are forced to rely on bots like Pluralkit to allow each individual member to communicate as themselves. We are asking that Discord integrate some of the functions provided by Pluralkit and similar bots, namely the ability to send messages via proxy, into its programming
This would not only allow for better useability of the platform for systems, who would now be able to proxy in private messages and group chats, but would be a groundbreaking show of support for the plural community
as someone with DID, this would be highly appreciated by me, specifically if subprofiles were easily clickable to see the Real Account's. moderation wise, this would make moderating plural spaces a LOT easier. i also wouldn't use it all the time (i'm not always comfortable showing who's fronting), but i have alters who do like to proxy a lot and it would be helpful for them.
87 -
I personally think that this would be a wonderful thing to do.
I noticed that any disagreement on the page is mostly systems that don't feel comfortable using bots like PK. While this is totally valid, I do want to point out that just as you have the option not to use PK, you can not use this function. Plenty of systems do, plenty don't, but this would make it work better for systems that do use it.
Also, while people not being understanding is difficult, that is not a good reason to prevent improving accessibility.
This would also actually really improve moderation abilities when it comes to proxies, as the proxies could be more directly connected to the main account. Making this a discord feature, instead of something found in varied bots, would help systems and moderators.
There's going to be issues with any new update, just as there will always be issues when things aren't updated.
But I personally think that this would be quite significant for many members of the community, and would be a good thing for discord as well.
83 -
This would be super useful for us! We've been using pluralkit for a few months now but it's just not as easy as we expected. Having to see someone else's little profile instead of yours, and see your message come from them before it's deleted and replaced with your bot account just always felt demoralizing, it reminded us of the restrictions placed on us. We obviously don't speak for every system, but this would be super useful for us at least!
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there would also be a curb cut effect in that it would be helpful for anyone who does any sort of role-playing (e.g. D&D)
70 -
This would be so helpful.
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I don't have DID, but this would still be incredibly helpful for my homies with it.
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As a system, this would make discord that much more our favorite platform. It would be good from the standpoint that it would be one of the first mainstream social media outlets to have a feature for plural accessibility. For us, it would make being able to speak that much less of a laborious task and allow us an environment to exist in natively.
Separate from plural uses, it could also aid other types of groups like D&D and role playing discords for differing characters and names. Some might argue against this, but this aspect alone would be very advanced in terms of Discord as a gaming platform.
53 -
as a plural system, this would be ridiculously helpful! i absolutely adore pluralkit and its in-depth descriptions, pronouns, subsystem/group sorting, etc., though, and i (personally) wouldnt want to have a function like this built into discord without those features. having all of that info somewhere is important to me.
52 -
i think this is a fantastic idea, if its under say settings>accessibility>multiplicity then it would also prompt singlets to look into multiplicity, maybe there could be a link to so singlets know why it exists. then say /[headmate/alter/part's name] [message] would send it under a subprofile and that subprofile could have its own roles as opposed to either the current webhooks we have to use
edit: to the people saying it isnt accomodating to all forms of plurality, you can just ignore it
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i'm not a part of a system, but i am personally close to two systems. they put so much work into pluralkit, proxying, etc, and it would be so wonderful if discord added this as a universal feature. discord, please, please implement this!! it would be helpful to countless systems, and it could also be used for things like roleplay, practical jokes, etc; everyone would get use out of it.
to all the people disagreeing with the addition of this function, you guys don't have to use it!! many people need it, so it should be accessible.
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fellow (diagnosed, not that it matters) OSDD plural here who would find a feature like this extremely useful! we feel an accessibility option for a very marginalized disorder would be beneficial to a majority of our community.
for those saying they do not wish to use it, they would not have to. and for those saying this isn’t a necessary function, perhaps it isn’t for them, but it definitely is for quite a lot of us. personally, my headmates & I find ourselves very uncomfortable in spaces that don’t have PluralKit or something similar.
some should consider it like this: not everyone who’s visually impaired uses screenreaders or alternate fonts, not everyone who is hearing impaired uses subtitles, some people who *aren’t* VI/HI do use them. just because some wouldn’t want to use a plurality feature does not mean it shouldn’t be implemented. thank you for your consideration!
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I think this would be great, especially as OP says for group chats and DMs as bots cannot currently be used there. It would certainly be a great way for Discord to be the first major social media platform to show clear support for systems.
To those who think this would reduce functionality for them on discord - if the feature is optional, just don't use it, like you don't use pluralkit or tupperbox right now. If this got implemented, it would obviously be optional because the majority of people are not systems. It would by design have to be an opt-in thing. If you think it would cause people to interrogate you on why you aren't using it, whatever happens regarding such situations now would be no different with discord adding this functionality by default. If it's because you aren't out, then that wouldn't change. If it's because people ask you why you aren't using the proxies and don't know who you are, that also would be no different. If you are concerned that setting up proxies would then 'out' you in servers or groups that you are not out to, it would be no different. If having proxies tied to your account is a private setting then nobody would be able to know. You could just use your overall discord account to talk in those places, or just not turn on the settings in the first place. If it's "opt-in" then you don't have to "opt in." I really don't see the negative here.
Most of the complaints regarding moderation also seem to be centred around being able to tell the original account the proxied message was sent from. Pluralkit currently allows this with emoji reactions to a message, but if it was baked in there would be so much less confusion for my singlet friends who don't know how to use pluralkit's functions. That's really their only complaint they have when we ask if pluralkit can be added to their servers to allow us to speak as each other.
I think this would show official support for plurality, I think it would add accessibility for those of us who want to use the features, it would make things less confusing for our singlet friends (again, IF we have told them), and it would allow proxy functionality in group chats and DMs which would be such a big plus. An alternative to this last point would be to allow bots to be used in group chats, but as a developer I can see how that could potentially cause some massive headaches for the engineers and UX designers.
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I would basically want all the stuff of pluralkit but made easier and not have to see my discord name for those few seconds. It would also be cool to be able to edit after saying something and add roles and colours to the proxy.
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I'm a traumagenic system and I think this would be a useful addition on several levels! Plurality, roleplaying, explicitly speaking as a mod/admin, etc... I wouldn't feel uncomfortable at all with whoever chooses to use it and for whatever reason. Though, speaking as an admin of a server, I do think that we should be able to toggle it off for certain roles if desired as I could definitely see trolls misusing the feature if they're given total free rein with it.
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I've got some great design ideas for this.
- Proxies being a privately or publically visible setting for your account.
- The proxy setting could be under accessibility (this would specifically recognise systems) or under its own settings tab.
- Allow to add details for each proxy, add or remove proxies etc from within the settings tab.
- On messages from a proxy, allowing other users separate options to either reply to/mention the proxy specifically, or the discord account attached to the proxy instead.
- I don't have a great solution for DMs and group chats individual to specific proxy accounts, so an easier solution would be to have DMs and group chats function as they do now (ie a DM is sent to the discord account rather than the proxy), but within that group chat or DM the user can choose which proxy account they would like at any given time, or no proxy if they so wish.
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We're mostly just interested in having something available in DMs alone. Maybe having a way to add bots to private DMs? That would help more people while avoiding a lot of problems.
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I really love this idea! We're a DID system and we love using PK whenever possible. I think, to the people saying it would put pressure on them as a system to use it - why? There are plenty of singlets on discord. You wouldn't be forced to use it. You can continue using emoji sign offs or whatever you prefer to! I think it's a good thing to add this functionality to discord to support systems so we don't have to rely on bots that can go offline sometimes, or not be in some servers.
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That would be so helpful! Finally, someone acknowledges systems.
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(Not original) host of a DID system here, I think this would be SUPER helpful to the general plural community, and while I understand some people are uncomfortable with it, take this into consideration:
- Just because it might become a feature, doesn't mean it has to be a /fully/ visible one, much how you can turn off whether people can see you playing games/using programs on your electronics, the whole world doesn't need to know you're plural.
- Not ALL servers who don't use Pluralkit are instantly classified as anti-system, I'm in a close friends servers focused on the games said friends develop, and quite a few members are plural, however the admin of the server is very against bots, specially non-official ones, because of the concept they can be used for trying to grab more info about your identity than they should. While we respect their wishes and know they still care about and support us, it does make it interacting there really uncomfortable and difficult, if this were to be a feature, we very likely would be able to interact there, and possibly in many more servers, more comfortably.
- Like a couple others mentioned, having that ability in DMs would be AMAZING, so we wouldn't have to make 101 servers just so we can all chat freely and comfortably with our friends without discomfort.
PLEASE make this a reality Discord26 -
I am an OSDD1b system host of 16 alters and this would be a huge help for me/us! If people don't want to use it, they don't have to, like any feature, but it would be amazing for those who do want it. Plus, the media/movies/social media/etc tend to be against systems/plurals (consider how Facebook has a name change cooldown, only real sounding names allowed). It would be a great show of support for us to have a social network program do this, and it would be groundbreaking and hopefully people would learn more about plurality because of it
25 -
Adding my two cents in for what they're worth, and I'm all for adding this feature. My sibling has DID and this feature would help them out a lot. As a lot of other people have commented, there are bots that can do this already, which is true, but my sibling hasn't be able to use any of them because learning the controls is overwhelming for them and in addition to that it just doesn't work in direct messages. No one would have to use this feature if they don't want to, and I'm sorry that anyone has ever tried to pressure any of your into identifying who's fronting. In fact I'm fairly confident that my sibling's system wouldn't use this all the time, as they often blend or are co-con. But for when they do want to specifically let someone know who's talking? This would make it a lot easier for them.
On top of that, this can be a bit more than a fancier way of signing of on a message. (which I think is what some people tend to think of it as) This would let them feel a lot less like they're sharing an account and a lot more like they're being treated as individuals. Which is good! They are individuals and I don't think it hurts anyone to implement something that lets them have their own profile pictures or roles easily available.
A lot of people are focusing on the pressure this might bring from some people to show who's fronting at all times, and I'm sorry you've had experiences like that, but that would not be the fault of this feature. That's the fault of the people doing the pressuring. I don't think it's quite fair to talk badly about a feature that could help many people because you're afraid that some people might use it as an excuse to act badly.
At the end of the day, whether this helps you or not, (speaking as someone who will get no use of this feature, I'm a singlet) there are many people who this will help. Not just help them communicate but also help them feel more acknowledged and seen. Trying to stop this from happening with the excuse "but what if people use it do to mean things" isn't a good argument and it's the people doing the means things in that case who are the problem, not the feature itself.25 -
This would be a great thing to add and would add a lot of functionality to discord for us
also to all the people complaining that it wont work for them just dont use it then23 -
As a system ourselves, This would be insanely helpful. We would LOVE to be able to proxy in personal dms, it would make keeping everyone apart easier, and would help for those who feel weird speaking through an account name and icon that isn't theirs.
And it would also be great to not have to worry about whether a server has pluralkit. Hell maybe even giving us the ability to have proxy accounts with name colors?? We'd all love to have something like that!
This would also extent beyond being helpful for the plural community. RPing would get so much nicer and neater with something like this!
Implementing features for this would only be a net gain, it would mean the world for the plural community/RPers, and wouldn't have any negative impact on those who don't need it. Not to mention server mods wouldn't have to worry about adding a bot to their server to give us these features, making life easier for them.21 -
We love this idea. As a plural system who uses proxies daily, Pluralkit and other similar bots are really useful, but they have their limitations. Direct messaging is usually easier for us to check and remember to check and with proxying, we wouldn't need to make servers specifically to communicate with our proxies. In addition, like many others have said, this would hopefully educate more people on plurality which is fantastic! I believe that plurality is really underrepresented, and a company as large and known as Discord recognizing it, would be absolutely amazing.
tl;dr It would be great to have Discord implement something that emulates proxying. :)20 -
I have noticed certain messages stating that this is something that bots already do perfectly well. However, I have to disagree with them on a few counts:
- Moderation It can be difficult for moderators to figure out which system a given member belongs to within the framework of a bot; some servers I know of have adopted policies of username tagging to assist with this, but a native solution could make it far easier.
- Search Due to the nature of webhooks, which are used to implement current solutions, it is not possible to search for messages from a given system or member. Again, a native solution could integrate this into the search mechanism.
- Message editing/deletion There is not really a particularly user-friendly way for bots to allow systems to edit/delete any messages. This is often irritating, and would be easily fixed by a native solution within Discord.
- Direct messages The bots flat-out do not work in direct messages, requiring anyone communicating with a system to learn prefixes for each member (which can often be overwhelming, especially when systems have tens of members). A solution implemented within Discord could work within DM's.
Being part of a system, I think that adding these features to Discord would bring quality-of-life improvements not only to systems, but also to roleplayers and other existing users of these bots
20 -
I think there's validity to the fear of being "outed" on certain servers. It would be ideal if this feature could be server-specific in some way, like how nicknames are currently.
Bots like Plural Kit are just not a reasonable solution due to the issues caused by the post-delete-repost process: it can trigger dissociation and dysphoria in systems, and it can trigger migraines in those who are prone to them.19 -
While we're not comfortable with many people knowing we're a system, I'm friends with systems who would likely really appreciate this and use it.
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We are a system of around 30 members, and we use proxy constantly. If Discord added this feature it would be so so helpful. It would show so much support for the plural community, as well as being basic access for disabled/plural folks. Also, imagine if we could use proxy in DMs! This whole addition to Discord would be such a big step in progress for plural people and is a needed accessibility feature.
We've also seen people saying that this would be a bad feature to have, so perhaps make it clear that this is completely optional? We sometimes don't want to specify who's fronting, and we just don't use a proxy when we don't want to. Just adding a reminder that systems are not being forced to use this feature and it's just there if you want to use it would be really really helpful for anyone who feels this way!19 -
Apart from having plural friends who could really use this, I'm on, like, five DnD servers, so this would be hella helpful for me personally. This might not be a "basic" feature, but it can be implemented easily enough, so the cost is low.
17 -
Not a system myself, but I have a lot of friends that are- I really think that doing this would be beneficial to them.
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