New Stage Voice Channel Suggestion/Feedback
Hi, I run a server with 30,000 users and have approximately 200+ members in VC throughout the day at any given point in the day.
As of 6/18/2021 my server has increased to 47,000 members and approximately 400 individuals in stage.
I recently began testing the new Stage Channel and it is a great addition to my community.
There are some interesting things I noticed however, and I'm hoping my feedback is welcomed.
First I noticed that my moderators do not receive notifications when an individual member *raises* their hand to go on stage. Thus, moderators must be looking at the Stage GUI in order to be able to catch anyone who raises their hand.
Suggestion: Add a notification feature that allows administrators to add a role that can receive pings when a user raises their hand.
It would be a tremendous improvement as my moderators also have to be in Text-Chat while also in Stage VC.
Second I noticed that the *Server Mute* feature is only available to IOS mobile devices and not available to Android or PC individuals. Perhaps this is intended or perhaps it is a bug that hasn't been caught. I know this because I ran a poll and moderators with Android phones cannot see the *Server Mute* permission while those with Iphones can. PC individuals do not have that feature all together.
Suggestion: Add the *Server Mute* across all platforms/OS.
Third I noticed that within the permission settings there are three permissions that (MUST) be enabled for a moderator to be able to allow speakers up on stage. These permissions are: Manage Channel, Mute Members, and Move Members. Failure to enable one of this settings will disable the ability to allow moderators to move speakers up on stage.
Problem: Say administrators don't want to give the ability for a user/moderator to mute or disconnect an individual but only give them the ability to allow users up on stage and move them back to the audience? - The required enabled settings make it impossible to manage granular permissions. Simply put its either all or nothing.
Suggestion: Don't make the permissions for stage moderation mutually exclusive.
Forth I noticed that the stream/live feature is not available on Stage this is an essential part for any big discord as it allows individuals sharing screens to effectively communicate their thoughts. My discord server revolves around charts/statistical data/analysis and we look at the movement of data and comment on it.
Suggestion: Add the streaming feature.
Fifth I noticed that some of my users who have been put on stage to speak (do to the nature of how my server is run) sometimes AFK up on stage. It is impractical for moderators to keep track of who's on stage and put them back into the audience when they are done speaking. One reason being, we simply don't know when an individual is done speaking for instance they might engage in a conversation again after someone else is done speaking.
Suggestion: Add a AFK feature that kicks individual users from stage and puts them back in the audience after some minutes of inactivity.
Sometimes I need to find out who moved who to speaker/audience, the current discord logs do not log those types of activities.
Suggestion: Add detail audit logs based on activities that were done by Stage Moderation.
I am still testing out the Stage Feature and despite some inconveniences and impracticalities I can say with certainty that it is a valuable feature to have.
*If i can edit this post i will continue to update suggestions*
Upvoted! I love how stage channels show themselves on top when live, streaming would be nice, I would like to show presentations for others to see things and not only hear them, of course, only users on stage can share their screen.
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I would also like a ping feature to audibly alert users in Stage from text chat. Sometimes people just want to give a quick point or cheer someone else on, and that's easier to do from text than to become a speaker in Stage
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Just my input/opinion on the AFK note. I know their is a lot of people that tend to listen for a couple minutes before responding or continuing in the conversation. So maybe instead of kicking them back to audience after the few minutes, it gives them a visual warning somehow that everyone can see. Then the Moderators would be able to ask to see if they are still participating in the conversation and if not they could be moved to the audience.
This eliminates the chance of people being moved unexpectedly and having to be brought back up because they didn’t speak in time.
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I love this Discord!
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