Show all servers button
hello, I've been running a modification community since 2017. I use discord's features on my server to connect as much as I can.
However, recently some of the updates have made the communities less interactive. The biggest feature of this is that by introducing the 'show all channels' option system to members, my community has significantly reduced the visibility of some channels. For example, when I open a new channel, the member cannot see all channels manually after closing the recommended section unless the option is activated. or even if I make an old channel visible to all members again, there is a loss of almost half of the visibility because discord automatically makes the option to activate all channels inactive. it is very wrong to think that every member will activate this option for every community.
The discord team's communities are very damaging with this system. I strongly recommend that this system be reconsidered by the discord team. if he insists on staying, the option to automatically show all channels should be active. if the member wants to close it, he can close it. it should not be the other way round.
One of the answers I got when I opened support to discord authorities was the following. Since the orientation feature is on, add the existing channel to the default channels and authorise the "everyone" role to see all channels. In a 15k community, I quit orientation to get rid of this nonsense and did the second thing you said. nothing worked. you need to put this server-killing feature on the agenda.
searching discord only shows last 3 previous channels visited whereas I want last all channels visited to be visible Just by tapping or in continuation of 3 until all last previous channels visited when I became offline
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