New UI is absolutely terrible and incredibly inaccessible.
This is quite legitimately one of the WORST app UI updates I've ever experienced. Even Tumblr trying to Twitter-ify itself isn't this awful; at least I can still READ everything on Tumblr.
Everything on this new UI is INSANELY cluttered. Why are servers and messages suddenly entirely different sections? It was much easier to navigate when messages were just *above* your servers, but now it's a bunch of extra clicks and maneuvering to even OPEN my DMs list. It's near impossible to read anything; I have my app zoomed in because I already struggled to read things, but now I can barely even read it ZOOMED IN.
Why is swiping suddenly to reply to messages? That's going to wreak havoc on muscle memory and frankly, not being able to swipe and see members is awful for server moderation. Now if there's a problem with a certain member it takes me longer to be able to do something about it.
At least give us the option to DISABLE this, for God's sakes. If I wanted to use a social media that looked like this, I would go FIND a social media that looks like this.
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