Mobile Media Search on PC
I personally send and receive a lot of pictures and often have to hunt down images that I have seen before, often a very long time ago or at a timeframe I am unsure of. With Discord mobile, it puts EVERY image into a simple grid pattern so with just one screenful on my phone I can see over 20 pictures which is amaaaaazing for me. However when I go to my computer, I have to scroll all the way through 20 images and messages, then go to the next page. Typically when I'm hunting for pictures, I don't care about the text, I'm looking for the image, so the text is just taking up space and wasting time in my search for the image I need.
In short: It would be nice if we could toggle the image search format on PC to be like the Mobile Image search for those of us that just really quickly want to find an image instead of having to hunt through 30+ pages of results to find the image we are looking for
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