I'm exhausted.
I don't know what to do anymore, please help me. I've done everything that was asked of me. I lost an account I've been paying for Nitro for 2 years, and even after providing all the evidence to support, they're not taking any action. I've already opened several tickets and haven't received a response, or they haven't even been reviewed. Below is the ticket number for one of them. https://support.discord.com/hc/pt-br/requests/44854794… number ticket: #44854794
Likewise. Their support is awful and its really infuriating. Feels like laws are being broken on their end but can't say for certain. I can most definitely say that they unfairly ban and make it impossible to appeal. They also make it impossible to actually chat with human support. What do the employees do all day? Play fortnite and talk about their fursonas? This is beyond ridiculous
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