Locked out of my Account


27 commenti

  • TheManyFacesOfKat

    I'm right here with you, 57 days and absolutely nothing from Discord in terms of communication or resolution.

  • Light

    This is extremely mentally straining.. 

    Also I don't know if I am able to reply to a specific comment here. I apologize if I am able to and just haven't realized it. 

    I just feel like they are making fun of me now. They helped friends with the exact same issue in a matter of hours and days. 

  • Light

    If there wouldn't be any sensitive information about me on that account I honestly wouldn't even care. 

    But this here could destroy my life if they decided to do something with it. 

  • TheManyFacesOfKat

    Don't worry, I have no clue either, but you get auto emails letting you know when someone's responded on a forum post so that's good at least.


    And yeah, I FEEL that. I fell for the “I mass reported u” scam, lost access to my account, and one of my friends got scammed as a direct result of my being scammed (They used my profile) and she got access back to her account in three hours, meanwhile, hello, Day 58 now and absolutely nothing.

    And yeah, I've had my account since 2017, so there's a LOT of shit that may or may not be sensitive information, I have no clue at this point, but what bothers me the most now is just that my profile has been used to attempt to scam people and Discord hasn't even SUSPENDED the account pending investigation, if they did that at least I am 99.9% sure they'd have SIGNIFICANTLY less distressed people in the tickets. I've just kind of resorted to annoying Discord Support on twitter and letting people know how unhelpful they are. 

  • Light

    Did you get a new Discord Account for now at least? 

    I fell for the very same scam. 

    I made 30+ tickets. I opened a new one after every time they “solved” one. 

    I don't think that there's a thing as blacklisting certain accounts on the support ticket queue or something like that. At least I hope not. 

  • TheManyFacesOfKat

    I got my account back today, just letting y'all know! Apparently it happened like an hour ago.

  • Kyqwe

    how to get back TheManyFacesOfKat. I'm experiencing the same situation.

  • TheManyFacesOfKat

    I'm not exactly sure. I did a million things to try to get their attention and none of them seemed to work. Maybe they just decided to finally get to me, or maybe they were tired of me going on twitter and basically telling everyone how long it was taking them to get to my ticket, or maybe it was the last ticket I sent in bascially telling them “Hey it's been 56 days (at the time of sending) why's it taking so long, please give me updates” because they added a note immediately after the shut that ticket (The kind that only staff can see, but you know it's there because it says activity happened not too long ago, but there's no new messages)

  • Kyqwe

    TheManyFacesOfKat Did you have access to the 2AF or Back up codes?  

  • TheManyFacesOfKat

    Mine wasn't locked behing 2FA, but the moment I got back in I enabled that stuff

  • Kyqwe

    I don't have access to codes, I hope it doesn't cause any problems.

  • Light

    I feel like they hate me. 

    I don't know what to do anymore. 

    I just. I just don't know. 

  • TheManyFacesOfKat


    I've heard it could go either way when you have 2FA enqbler


    HOWEVER if the scammer/hacker enabled it and not you, Discord can help you, you just need to be persistent.

  • TheManyFacesOfKat

    As for Light, honestly I was thinking the same thing because I made myself EXTREMELY annoying in the first few weeks including a BBB complaint, multiple tickets, and begging.

    I'm still pretty sure it's a raffle as to who gets their tickets answered or not.

  • Light

    I've made 30+ tickets, texted them on twitter and so on. 

    I am not sure how long I can mentally handle this anymore. 

    I am in a very bad headspace these times. 

  • TheManyFacesOfKat

    How many of those tickets are still open?

  • Light

    None or the tickets are open. 

    I always made a new ticket whenever one got “solved”. 

    I just opened another ticket. 

  • Kyqwe

    My account information is changing and cannot be accessed without any questions or notification, I think we will win if we file a lawsuit.

  • TheManyFacesOfKat

    I already asked the question of a lawsuit on Reddit

    The general concensus was “why are u asking that”


    I'm generally more concerned about the extra people that could be effected as a result of a compromised account when they spread through compromised accounts, so I asked with that angle, because Discord needs to at least suspend accounts like that while thy gear up for an investigation, but unfortunately it seems there's not a lot we can really do about how long it takes.

    At this point I just want Discord to actually improve it's T&S team and protocols considering the longer they take the worse the problem gets.

  • Light

    I just want someone to answer me instead of a bot at this point.

  • Kyqwe

    My account is stolen when 2FA is on, but I can't get my account back when 2FA is on, ironically there is nothing to do. That's what the support team said

  • Light

    Funny thing. 

    Several of my friends had the same issue. But they got their account back. 

    I have the same issue too. 

  • Sketchlordish (tired)

    I have the same issue too; been commenting in various threads and checking tickets whenever I can

    Does anyone know if its better to create a new ticket or reopen an existing one with a comment if they mark it as solved without doing anything?

  • Light

    I would assume that it's better to create a new one. But I am unsure. 

  • Light


    Still no response. I've made 30+ tickets now. With no response. 

  • Light



  • TheManyFacesOfKat

    I'm so happy for you!


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