discord support needs to get off they butt


8 commenti

  • Xiaoannqi

    i dont care how long i have to wait, i just dont need discord to mark my tickets as solved every time.

  • TheManyFacesOfKat

    The problem is Discord support is ALWAYS dealing with a high volume of tickets because they don't care enough about their users to 

    A) properly staff their company (they are upsettingly understaffed)


    B) Rework their system to work better with a higher volume of users

    They also lie about the fact that there's a queue you can get bumped to the back of, there is no queue, there are people who've had tickets open for an hour or two with the same exact problem as people whom have been waiting for months that get resolved.


    I have been ignored for 57 days after my account was stolen by a scammer and Discord is doing absolutely nothing WHILE FULLY AWARE THAT THIS SCAM SPREADS VIA STOLEN ACCOUNTS

    Discord is negligent and uncaring. Though if you keep responding to the solved ticket with “my issue is not resolved”, eventually it will be left open. Keep doing that and checking back.

  • Matt

    I understand your frustration with the current support system, and I’m sorry to hear about your experiences. It’s clear that improvements are needed to better handle the volume of requests and provide timely assistance.

    In the meantime, continually updating the ticket and emphasizing that the issue remains unresolved, as TheManyFacesOfKat suggested, might help ensure your ticket stays open and gets attention. I hope your issues are resolved soon, and I appreciate your patience in dealing with this.

  • Flaaffee

    Me and others are having the same issue. I understand its a high volume of tickets, but in the end of the day marking it as solved won't solve that. People will continue making tickets. Plus as a company with a NET worth as much as discord and the idea of remote working being more alluring than ever, it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to hire more staff. They are getting multiple sources of incoming now, but it feels like we as a community is being shafted.

  • Sketchlordish (tired)

    Same here; gave up on a hacked account a few months back, only to learn that my friend— who was fooled by the scammer using my acc— got their account back within a couple weeks. Ofc I’m happy for them, but it is so frustrating that Disc Support is so inconsistent. I understand that the staff is only human and it’s not their fault that the company is uncaring, but it really like screaming into a void when you get nothing but bot responses to a ticket. 

  • Xiaoannqi

    @Matt are you a agent?

  • Flaaffee

    To be fair, it does sound like it. His replies seem like CS scripted shiet.

  • Matt

    I understand how frustrating it can be when your support tickets get marked as solved without a resolution.

    The Discord support team is likely dealing with a high volume of requests, and it's possible there might be a misunderstand. Would you like some help finding resources or rephrasing your ticket to get a better response? In the meantime, if you're looking for a quick hanging solution, consider using single coat hooks. These are easy to install and come in a variety of styles to match your décor. You can find them at most hardware stores or online retailers by searching for coat hooks single.


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