I got suspended


6 commenti

  • ZenitGD

    Well, the bad news for you is that support in discord not working, so write in other social networks that you have been "blocked and support is not responding"

  • Fajersaif1

    ZenitGD  what social network do you recommend I spread this message on? I’m not really a social media person. Like I said I use discord for clients or help on games. If you can give me a suggestion I would be happy 

  • Some dude

    Twitter is like screaming into an void. There's some longevity on Reddit, but it'll ultimately be buried by the tech support stuff

  • Kahiledits12

    I’m having the exact same problem. I’m 21 and my account got suspended too. Has ur account been sorted out yet or no? It’s been 7 days since I made my ticket

  • Ericsigh081

    very sad

    security and safety they will help ur acc back 

    but hardly get ur acc back fast 

    I wait like 19 days they finally reply me and got my acc back …

    wait more 20 days I think…

  • Ericsigh081

    now I have another problem 

    I'm trying to report arras.io discord server

    they ban me and steal my money 

    like $6

    that money can buy book…


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