Toggle the offline member list
Con risposta-
We've revamped this system, so it will no longer hide the offline user list at 100. It was due to performance reasons that we had to hide it initially, but found a great solve for it now.
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same problem
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I still cannot see offline members in my channel
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I do feel that there must be a toggle or setting to view or to not view offline member.
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I think this would be a very helpful option for big servers with 1000+ members. I'm admin in a 1400+ people server and this feature would be really helpful.
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I am hoping that there is some movement on this issue. to either turn it back on or toggle it for certain channels. The way we run discord requires a lot of role specific channels with shifting membership of that role. It is important for us to be able to see the lists of all members in many of the channels at a glance. It seriously hampers efforts for non-admins or people unfamiliar with how discord functions under the surface to help share the workload of moderating roles/access.
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I agree with Tookie it would be nice to toggle it off and on for specific channels as you can at a glance notice who's all of that role or channel etc..... I can see how its annoying for everyone channels listing 100's of offline... maybe you could make the feature kill it for each individual channel over 1000 not just blanket the whole server... that would act as a toggle good enough for me.
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There needs to be a option to hide the offline members (maybe the member list completely), having problems with members getting unwanted pm's.
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I have 1000 Members and i cant see offline members
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Is it possible show offline users on server with more than 1k users for particular role or channel? I extremely need this function...
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No once over 1000 members they remove all offline members from the list and no you can’t set them on for roles or anything. I suggest maying member counter bot or something to monitor such things maybe but you’ll never get back the list of offline ppl like you used to get. Unless you remove members and don’t allow the server to have more than 999 members total.
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Hey, I'll join the OP about an option to Toggle the Offline Members or not in the Server Parameters -> Members Menu itself. This was recently removed and I need that full list to check on every role 1 by 1. The removal is extremely unhelpful...
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same problem
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I'm admin in a 70 people server and i'd like to hide offline members or even the memberlist itself. Please bring back some sort of control about this feature.
I guess, the only other option is to create 30 additional fake accounts and let them join the server to hit the 100 as a workaround.
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Actually you would have to make 930 fake accounts...
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Hello guys, I am in a server with over 1000 members, after pruning the memberlist it's back under 1000 members, around 900~ members, my question is, is it suppose to show the back the offline member list now? Is will it be forever toggled off?
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I don't care about showing the offline members in #general but this is super inconvenient in channels like #moderation or #applications. My server just hit 1000 and my staff are already complaining. The easy solution would be to show the offline list in channels under 1000 members. Purging is not a solution either, it just delays the problem.
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We really need a toggle on this. I have a channel with 1300 people and I need to search offline accounts in order to purge a handful, plus they can just toggle themselves offline. And they never show online again but still can retain their status in the channel.
Make it so that just the admins can see offline people.1 -
Click the settings button and them click members... boom view away at all your off line people. I used to care about this issue, now I just don’t. You will learn it’s not that big of a deal.
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me too same problem pls help i cannot see offline members on my discord server
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come posso levare la categoria dei membri offline ??
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Toggle should be the best solution. This way the user has the choice to see them when they need to, and hide them when it's inconvenient for them.
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Agreed. You Should Add a toggle Option. Add. It. Now. Please.
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It is definitely an issue because once you hit that 1000+ number and the offline disappear, they're no longer included in @everyone when global messages are sent out. If you're close to 1000 you can test this for yourself. When sending @ everyone below 1000 you'll receive a message that you're about to send a msg to 999 people, are you sure? If you're over 1000 and all of the offline people are gone, if you send @everyone you'll get a message that you're sending a message to say like 300 people instead. It's not counting the hundreds that may be offline at the time and we have confirmed that they do not receive a notification either. This inhibits server owners, admins, etc.. from reaching their entire member list with important announcements.
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I've got the same question than Bulggi that wasn't answered. My server just passed 1000 members and now the offline accounts aren't displayed in the right tab, which is quite annoying. I've pruned inactive accounts and I'm back at 800 members, but the offline account still won't show up. Is it possible to revert the behavior once you're back below 1000, or is that feature lost forever??
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So how to toggle it im still confused
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Same here! One day I wasn’t able to see offline members in a server I built as an admin. The owner didn’t change anything because we share that account. I double checked it and my alternate account also can’t see them.
Is this still an issue? Is it an owner setting? Or a admin setting??
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Its not a setting. Once your server exceeds 1000 members you will no longer be able to see offline members nor will offline members receive notifications when you send messages and tag @everyone. If you prune your members back under 1000 you will be able to see offline members again but it takes a while for them to reappear. We found a workaround for the @everyone issue by just tagging an actual role instead of @everyone. By doing that it reaches everyone in the role regardless if they're online or not.
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I think the owner of the server should always be allowed to see their complete list regardless how many members have joined it. I am running my Discord server has part of a support system for my shop, as well as to connect to customers and see what they're wanting out of the brand. I need to be able to access my offline list to respond directly to people as well as to give our roles, since a Bot isn't useful for me here. I also can't remove nor talk to someone if they've been reported quickly if I'm not at my desktop. This feature shouldn't be forced on us, it should be an option to enable or disable our offline list.
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my server got 1000 members and i cant see offline list
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