Remove messages from Blocked Users (option)
Con rispostaAs it says. Presently, when a user is blocked and you're in the same channel you continue to see [1 BLOCKED MESSAGE] whenever they post something. This completely defeats the purpose of blocking them, since it still allows them to spam your feed.
I would like to see the option to toggle this off, so all messages from these users are just straight up removed. This way the person that has blocked them won't want to see that they've said anything, ever. Obviously this is to be optional, with a secondary toggle after the user is checked as blocked.
Why is this important?
Well, for one other services have this option. It means you're not constantly spammed with messages from someone you dislike and don't want to see, in a social setting where you are both in the same group.
Commento ufficiale
This is a dupe of , so I'm closing this out. If you'd like to have your voice heard please upvote that suggestion! -
Yep, thats why it would be good to have a option where i can decide if i wanna see that they left a message or not. Im surprised that the topic came up months ago and we still dont have this simple option.
5 -
I agree. It partially defeats the point when you can still see that they left a message, although at the same time I can see why others would still like to know that without seeing the actual content.
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It's not possible the way Discord is structured. The only way to clear an unread notification is with an ACK (short for ACKnowledgement), which is a way of saying "I read this". If we were to ack when someone you blocked sends a messages, this does a bunch of bad stuff. The most important ones are: it hammers our service with requests and causes performance issues and the other is you can't ack specific messages. It's all or nothing. So if your best friend in the world goes "Hey, I have some free steam keys for the best game of all times, who wants one?" and the guy you blocked goes "I do!", you never see the notification and miss out on your free game.The block system is the best that can be done with how Discord's chat is set up.~ This is a copy pasted message from Dabbit Prime, a Discord employee, It is in the pins of #desktop-suggestions in the Discord Feedback server if you'd like additional proof. ^-^-30
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