Clearing Direct Message Option
I would like to have a option to completely clear direct messages with someone, so that you start from a clean slate so to speak, even if it is only cleared on your side
I seriously, full-heartedly agree.
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I have a similar situation, and it would be amazing if that was a thing on discord.
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Such a nice idea!
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seriously don't understand why this isn't a feature, you have to run code through python right now to get rid of everything and it takes ridiculously long
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it's ridiculous that to do this you need to enable developer mode and run a script in the console and just hope it works how it's supposed to. even if it's just from your side, almost any other messaging app will let its users batch delete things. Even deleting your entire account doesn't get rid of them
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I had someone send me an inappropriate photo and now I can't delete it from my DMs. I can close it but I can't remove it. We need to be able to delete messages or photos from DM.
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I have the same situation
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plz add delete DM message
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Возможность полностью удалять переписку необходима, так же как и отдельное удаление сообщений собеседника, а не только личных. В этом есть большая необходимость для пользователей Discord
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yes please....
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I agree with you, person known as gay.
I want to permenately get rid of all of my chats that arent with mutuals and others15 -
This would be nice in regular forums as well. a limit with a "load earlier messages" button
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There should be an option to clear DM's enitirely on both sides even if just your messages.perfect example would be Ex's
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Definitely agree with you as well, I’ve spent hours deleting a conversation once. Why can’t discord update to delete an entire conversation, or select the conversation to delete multiple messages?
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How is this not a feature already??
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Discord seriously needs to allow users to delete their messages in bulk. This is a privacy issue. My messages were intended for one-time use for the intended recipient (s).
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im finding now that i cant delete inappropriate messages i was sent great ty so much like i want that in my discord for eternity
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I would be really helpful !
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Don't forget to upvote this post so it gets seen!
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this seriously needs to be a feature already. there are some conversations that i would like to completely delete.
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i agree its quite frustrating when you have all these dms you havent touched in forever just sitting there! even skype has delete options.. step up your game discord...
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1. A relationship on discord.
2. An abusive relationship on discord?
3. What?
4. Block the user
5. Just block then click the x near their dm name and they are never found again
6. Abusers statistically care about privacy and only abuse in privacy to prevent external prevention, studies support it.
7. See 4 and 5.-54 -
I believe the user is referring to an in person relationship where the abusive party is monitoring what that person is doing on Discord. If abusee is unable to clear their messages, the abuser will see those messages and potentially act out.
I can understand the concern.
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Agreed. It's nice to "think" we stay friends forever but the fact is sometimes you wanna get rid of instances in your life where you communicated with someone who is no longer part of it; and, at those times you want a clean slate. There is no reason to keep these messages -- it's just lazy data management. It's also a huge liability. Your users can and will leave the app if they are concerned about it -- I know I am considering it.
BUT BEFORE I WALK OFFICIALLY, I'm into developing solutions, so let's invest in an answer:
If the Bulk Delete requires too many database calls, then discord developers should create a bot or service that users can pay to access which will clear the DMs incrementally at an acceptable number-- but automatically. Therefore, the user is not tasked with going in and manually applying it to longer DM sessions with more messages. This should be easy one-time request by the user even if the process of deletion itself is spread out over time. This would make balance of calls on server manageable and offer the best user experience.
Additionally, I would like to point out, the process should specifically DELETE the messages, so that whomever you exchanged messages with also does not have access to your communication -- not just delete them from view in your personal user account. This I believe strongly, is a privacy issue. If the intent was to give someone content that they always had in their possession, the user would have emailed that content to the other individual, not chosen to use a digital distribution chat channel. There is a inferred consent with choice of communication medium/channel, and you have to remember that. And, you already have the staff to do what I recommend, just hand the project off to the Trust and Safety Team so it's done right.
THERE - I just fixed your problem for you and created an additional value-added revenue stream for you -- you might owe me money :) . I'll settle for you fixing this existing hole in an otherwise valuable application, because my fingers are getting cramps from deleting all these DMs one by one.
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This would enable bad people to do bad things and easily get away with it, removing any evidence quickly. So I say no.
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The problem I see with this is on the other side, if someone DOES spam me with nasty things, I want evidence, to be able to have them banned ect. but if they can just spam, and then shortly there after delete EVERYTHING all at once without me being able to even catch a screen shot, then discord will have no way of doing anything at all.
This is particularly dangerous feature, one can easily delete messages in a server with bots and simply close a dm, if it's that big an issue. But allowing trolls and sexual predators to clear all their evidence away instantly is a bad idea.-72 -
Everyone please view the new edited post. I meant to say something completely different.
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This is also just a feature almost any other chat service has, it's called privacy for the user. But discord for some reason wants to keep all of the data when it'd be far nicer if when you deleted your account it actually deleted everything ever said or if they let you decide to clear dm chat history in general so you didn't have massive back logs of data you don't necessarily want or need.
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